ch.3.Dark Physcology

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"So what's ze plan?and when are we attacking?" I asked while thinking up and discarding various plans.

"I'll go blast down their door and take down the guards from the distance, you rush in during the chaos and go in grab Ruby, here's a photo of her" Vanya said handing me a photo. What a neat and simple plan*hear the sarcasm*

"You're basically pulling all the wands towards yourself,  are you sure you can handle it old man?"

"Need another curse aimed at you?" He asked thumping his wand on his side.

"Nah, I won't come back to save you even if you get mauled old man"

"Just make sure the girl is fine" he grumbled.

So basically my plan was to let the old man play bait, then I'll sneak in along with caedes, have caedes shoot from behind as i occupied the guards that didn't move their post, Have Episky grab the girls the portkey and magic away to the safe house.
Then I'll use my own portkey too.

"And me?" Freya asked in a childish manner.

"You'll stay here thinking how to welcome Ruby back ,it's really important so someone really intelligent must do that job" I said ruffling the girls short hair.

"I'll prepare something sweet for her! We both love sweet things"Ruby said jumping up and down.

"That's settles it then" Vanya said.

"When are we moving? Night would be best but that's ze time a brothel is most active, I'll suggest evening"

"I think we should go early morning in like 4 or 5 o clock, it will still be dark but the security will be very lax and there will be less to none customers then" Vanya said.

"You really know a lot about brothels " i said giving him a cheeky smile only to receive something I recognised as the colouring charm aimed my way.

He missed again, but this man's aim was no joke,  if i wasn't a seeker and knew martial arts he'll have my head by now.

"Hey, can you aim at ze fly?" I asked, I wanted to see if he was anymore usefull than a bait.

"Wanting to check this old man's abilities?" Vanya chuckled.

" The fly is annoying and yes that too, can't have you messing up" I said wondering what Freya was searching for in the junk at the corner of this room.

"Diffindo" the man said lazily pointing at the sluggishly zooming fly.

The spell flashed past, missing me by a cm and cut the fly hovering by my ear into two clean halves.

"You must be good at Duelling too?" I said calming my heart, only my training kept my heart from popping out.

"Ain't any good, I can't dodge spells at close range, been more hard with the age"

So what,  he's a sniper?

I wanted to change the plan, to tell him to snipe from afar while I did the big bang at the Brothel but i wasn't sure if this stranger will listen to me, moreover,  I didn't know if I had the ability to take the wizards down unless it was a close quarters fight like it was with Zack.

I needed to fight in the hallways inside the building to gain territorial advantage over the shooting wizards unless i has something to shoot too.

"Fine, dawn is still a few hours away, I'll meet you at 4:30 here again"

"Mr.Angel" Freya said skipping towards me.

"It's Angelio Forestrier," i said but melted at the small girls adorable pout " but well I guess you can call me that"

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