ch.2.Diagon unexplored

227 11 0

Second day of Holidays.
Morning 8'O clock

With my Danial Glamour on, I ventured into Diagon alley just stopping to say hello to Tom the barkeep.

The alley was the same as usual, completely majestic and logic defying.

My first destination as usual was Gringotts.

I meet with Darkfang, enquiring about a healer for both Grafo and me.

The headaches as speculated by the head healer Ironjaw originated from the curse scar.

Apparently the hocrux have had a bit too long to fester inside this body hence there was a really strong connection between Voldy's soul pieces and me, The only current way to break this connectiom was destroy Voldy.

We weren't sure if the connection will entirely vanish if the scar hocrux transferred to my key-chain was destroyed or the rest of the pieces need to be destroyed too.

Hocrux although much more known withing the Goblin communit was still as obscure in details as it was in the wizarding world.

The only good news I got from the goblins this visit was Grafo and the babies being completely healthy and my apparent tsumani-like inflow of money from my various investments.

I'll need all the money in bribing the ministry and erecting the back alley network so this was good.

After I left Gringotts at 9:30 with numerous paperworks simply proving the existence of two humans.

I spent the better part of my day buying and preparing things for Grafo.

Around 3'O clock I was done with the shopping although i knew I'll come soon to buy more baby things. Preferably with Grafo that time.

Now onto the next part, the library behind gringotts and then the alleys, so what should I visit first?

The library, I'll probably spend quiet a few hours lost in the books, so it'll get late
and cover of the night was the best time to visit shady place.

I spent many hours holes up inside the library reading more about the wizarding laws, traditions and culture.

(10 pm)

With the hood of my jacket up i seperated from the mainstream brightness of Diagon alley and squirreled off into one of the adjacent alley ways.

It was a damp and slightly dark place riddled with minor shop displaying all kinds of perplexing assortments.

My legs carried me deeper into the alley, the farther I got from the main Street the more pooerer the atmosphere got.

Shops got replaced by stalls, which got replaced by people hand-selling things.

Soon I had my first glimpse of a Wizard begger, I was completely flabbergasted.

People who didn't need to worry about water, fire, lighting and could transfigure mud into houses were out on streets?!

I walked deeper down, saw a man pick pocket someone and run off, the atmosphere got more dire and illicit.

Blackmailing, black market, the wand-men i.e wizarding gunmen/hitmen.

I heard about all kinds of things including elf trafficking and creature trafficking.

A peek in mind here-n-there and almost a close call with some dangerous looking vagrant i affirmed that this populace mostly constituted of squibs, wizards with very low level of magic and no titles and families,dirt poor people, People in deep debts, jobless Half Blood and muggle borns,  illegitimate bastards from all over the Britain and those unfortunate few who lost their families, arms and jobs in either the Voldy war, Gelleret war or any other circumstances.

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