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1st September night.

I was comfortably lounging at the Hufflepuff table in a T-shirt with both my arms covered in bandages.

Ron almost  knocked me over when he ran towards me and hugged me from behind eliciting a hiss of pain from me.

"Careful!" I hissed out.

"Uhh sorry, what happened, how'd you get here?!" He asked sliding besides me.

"Harry, merlin what happened to you!" Neville excaimed as he rushed towards us, Susan and Hannah hot on his heels.

"We didn't find you in the train! What were you even doing!" Susan exclaimed taking and seat opposite to me.

Wedged between Neville and Ron with Susan and Hannah sitting opposite to me, i entranced the whole Hufflepuff table in my tale, regailing the events with great threatics from the moment dobby first appeared.

We laughed as I recalled how me and Ron ran straight into the wall and how ron and his brothers broke the bars on the window.

I obviously left out the magical car and my invisibility cloak, and twisted the tale to fill in the gaps.

Ron kept giving me disbelieving looks as if I was really a Hufflepuff.

"Did you hear about it" Hannah wispered to Susan as we headed out.

"About what?"

"The new school! I heard the new Lord Le Fay is the owner and it teaches kids before 11!"

"My Aunt's been interested in it too" Susan mumbled.

"What's more interesting is that even squibs are allowed there" Neville said wispering

Good lord, look at these kids' guardians leaking national level secrets to these kids.

"What was it's name aga-" Hannah asked

"Potter,you are supposed to go to the hospital wing"

"Right away sir" I waved to my friends as the Dungeon bat swiped me away, aww look how he cares for me.

"Want are you smiling about potter" the man asked sneering.

"Nothing sir, nothing at all" i mumbled trying to smother my smile and miserably failing.


The next day,I barely smiled once. Things started to go downhill from even before breakfast in the Great Hall.

Although most of my burns were gone , still some skin near my ankle had turned charcoal black, and it fucking hurt!. I had wrapped it in bandages after spreading the cool burn slave on it.

Neville was very upset about everything, he even went as far as telling me that it would have been better if I had just stayed at his home.

Susan too couldn't comprehend why i went to the burrow when she had invited me. I ended up promising her that I'll stay half my Christmas holidays at her house.

With Susan clutching my right arm and Neville my left I walked into the Great Hall.

The four long house tables were laden with tureens of porridge, plates of kippers, mountains of toast, and dishes of eggs and bacon, beneath the enchanted ceiling (today, a dull, cloudy gray).

I and Neville sat down at the Hufflepuffs table next to Susan, who had her copy of Magical measures  propped open against a orange juice jug.

Hannah Abbot, on the other hand, greeted us cheerfully. Neville was still as round-faced and accident-prone with the worst memory of anyone I had ever met, though he was improving since he started meditating.

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