ch.12.Merry Meet Malfoys

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On 31st of july, on the day of  dobby's visit, a letter came to me via gringotts letter box as i returned back to Grimmauld.

To Lord Necrosis Le Fay,

We would like to invite you to a tea part on the 2nd of August blah blah blah butter up official talk.

Sigh* how the hell one writes  such a big letter that only says 'come to my tea party at 2nd August on morning 10 via floo if i agreed or we needed to change the time'

I penned a reply in my Le Fay handwriting following the proper code of pure-blood writing.

Never underestimating a student who had changed her handwriting three times over two years just cuz she liked someone else's handwriting and thought it was fun.

My blood bound quill won't stop complaining because of it, at least my blood golem was better.

That bloody thing took 13 tries and weeks of reaserch to make.

I've got a month before school starts and like three days before ron shows up at private drive, if that would happen or I'm going to his home on the 4th as we discussed.

While I was there I was going to use my blood golem which i dare say must be a bit of classified magic cuz of the blood of the creator involved and I had like 1/100th  of my magic cores transport into it permanently not to mention the fact that they ritual came from the black library.

BUT the pros far outweighted the con. My golem was basically like a second body, a clone of sorts, which i could control from a distance since it was connected to my conscience, to my very soul through the magic core.

It did give me headaches when I put it on automatic mode for too long and didn't attend to it for days but I will only be using it when i attended wizengamot to replace harry potter at the Wesley's.

It was worth a month of endless research and breaking my nails bloody while moulding a human sized clay figurine.

Hah Voldy moldy bet you never came up with such a brilliant strategy.


2nd August 1992 Sunday.

I decided to go with a more simple but elegant attire for my visit since it wasn't an official event but still i needed to dress according to my stature.

I decided to go with a more simple but elegant attire for my visit since it wasn't an official event but still i needed to dress according to my stature

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(Imagine a black cloak attached at the back instead)

Speaking of which, my tracking spell deflecting artifact was ready and came in a form of a thin neck chain upon which I could hang my Deathly hallows pendent which I had removed when I gave my previous protection ladden chain to Freya.

With a purple-blue orchid bouquet in hand I set out as Lord Le Fay towards gringotts, Malfoy had opened the floo for me today.

"I'll send the reports of your latest investments later" Drakfang said as I used his office floo after discussing some business with him.

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