ch.7.Building a future.

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Twinkle and her group had prepared a healthy and light breakfast.

Ironjaw, who was the last goblin to leave had sent me a summary of reports about his patients.

There were around 50 people who could walk to breakfast hall and some 20 who better stayed in the hospital wing.

It was astounding how a group of mere 20 or so wizards had captured such a big number of people moreover there were still the missing numbers of people that had been sold off by the big house.

I might have blown up their base but that didn't mean it was completely over.

I had to find every single one of the bastards connected to the big house but first- FOOD!

I was starving and I knew my priorities!

Food was sent up to the medical wing then the breakfast table was set up.

Howard, Alicia and Ruby were a big help in chaperoning the big crowd of guests into the hall.

I sat at the head position as the host.

Howard to my right and Vanya at my left.

Besides Vanya was Ruby then Freya and besides Howard's was Alicia.

The rest of the seats were occupied by my various guests.

It was important to accomodate all of my some 50 guests , so a U shaped table was set up in the breakfast hall located besides the salon turned medical wing. The banquet hall was too big and might make them uncomfortable.

 The banquet hall was too big and might make them uncomfortable

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I scanned the faces.

I think there are a few boys too, i certainly remember seeing males in Ironjaw's health reports. My guess was they were born in the big house like Howard.

Food was served magically, I cast a look at the faces sporting various looks.

Fear, curiosity, anxiety and nerves.

I sighed internally, they won't eat anything if they are so uncomfortable I have to do something.

I clicked my glass grabbing everyone attention and forced my magic into my vocal cords. It has an similar effect to an amplifying charm.

I stood up as several dozen pair of eyes looked at me with varying expressions.

Ok, just say something short to make them feel at ease.

"Bonjour, ladiez and gentelmen.
I'm Angelio Forestrier. I know many of you have a lot of questions. Be at ease they shall be answered right after breakfast. So please feel at home and enjoy our humble fare" I said gesturing at the assortment of food and sat back down.

I started to eat food but people were still apperhensive.

I nudged Howard's with my foot.

He looked a bit startled and looked at me questioningly.

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