chapter 1

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college. thats it. that's all i wanna say. we all know how terrible it is, so im not gonna start explaining why i hate this place. its my second year here. the first day is going pretty well, we have a welcome party on the evening, and im gonna have a lot of fun.

im gonna say, that im pretty popular around here, and most of the people like me. i have lots of friends, and i got a feeling that most of them are fake, but whatever. i also have some real friends, like.....this is a hard one. i used to have a true friend back in high school though. a one friend that changed my life forever, but we're not here to talk about that.

here's a short story about me: im studying law. i would say that im a pretty good student. i really wanna be a lawyer one day. that has been my childhood dream.

im also the football team captain. lots of girls like me, but im not really ready for a relationship right now, cause i recently went through a break up, and for some reason it still hurts. (its been more than a year, by the way.)

okay, no more talking about me.

basically, i was in my room, waiting for my new roommate. i wanted to know what kind of guy he was, because the last roommate i had was a jock. he snored, and he was always really stinky. the room smelled so, so fucking bad all the time, its hard to even explain.

all im trying to say, is that i had hopes for this new guy.

suddenly professor Walter walked into my room. he is a middle aged man, he's bald, and short, and wears glasses. he's a funny dude. we get along, though. we're pretty close, or whatever you wanna call it.

"hey, Chris." he waved, and put suitcases on the floor. pink? weird choice. i like pink, but it reminds me of some really bad memories. "your cousin is gonna be here in a few minutes."

"oh, okay." i shrugged, before the realization hit me. i dont have a fucking cousin. what is going on?

the professor walked outside, and in about five minutes i heard a knock on my door. i walked up to the door, and opened it.

i saw something i never wanted to see again. the familiar blonde hair, and blue eyes. oh, god, shes back. every bad memory that pink reminds me of is standing in front of me. did i do anything wrong in my life? god, what is she doing here??

"Regina?" my jaw dropped.

"hi, Chris." she smiled softly. what the fuck is going on? i haven't her for so fucking long. her face is so familiar, yet so unknown. i don't understand how can a person have so many flashbacks in such a few fucking seconds??

i just saw sixteen fucking years of my life in about a second.

"you must be my cousin, huh?" i sighed, and sat down on my bed. i don't get it, why is she here??

"im sorry, i told everyone that we're cousins. i just knew you went here, and i don't know anyone else that goes here, so i just thought...." i interrupted.

"i get it." i laid down on the bed, feeling really empty. i didn't know what to do.

"so....." she sat down on her bed. "how have you been? its been so long."

"i've been okay. how have you been?" i lifted my head from my pillow, and looked at her. she hasn't changed a bit.

"i've been great." she smiled softly.

"thats good." i put my head back on my pillow, and felt like i was sinking into my thoughts. all i felt was nostalgia. it was horrible. i felt like i was in a nightmare, and i had to wake up.

"i kinda missed you." she put her head on her pillow. our beds were next to each other, so even if i didn't want to, i could see every single movement on the other bed.

the spring to my heart || Regina GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now