chapter 5

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in the middle of walking, she fell asleep, so i had to pick her up, and carry her to the dorm. i really thought she was dead for a second. eventually we finally made it to our dorm room, and i placed her on the bed.

i put a blanket over her, made sure she was comfortable, and grabbed my pajamas so i could change into them. i walked into the bathroom, got dressed, and came back to the room, only to find Regina totally awake, sitting on the bed, and watching something on her phone.

"go to sleep." i said with a strict tone.

"don't tell me what to do!" she glared at me.

"you're drunk, so i can tell you what to do." i walked up to her, and snatched the phone out of her hands.

"you're a jerk, you know that?" she rolled her eyes, and put her arm out. "give it back."

"no." i clenched my jaw.

"i said, give it back, Chris!" she got up, and started walking towards me. i slowly walked away from her, before i reached the wall. i was cornered, or she thought i was cornered. "you can't run anymore, give it back."

"take it." i lifted my hand in the air. she started jumping, trying to get the phone, but the height difference was just too big, even for a jumping Regina.

"Chris, give it back!" she kept jumping, and hoping that she would get the phone back.

"why don't you take it?" i couldn't help but laugh. she stopped jumping, looked at me, sighed, and put her forehead on my chest, chuckling a bit.

"you are a fucking asshole, and i really hate you." she punched my stomach, and started walking back to her bed.

"here you go." i followed her, and gave her the phone back.

"thank you." she mumbled, rolled her eyes, and got in her bed. she was still really drunk. she couldn't even fucking walk.

"go to sleep, Regina, you're drunk." i put the blanket on her.

"okay, fine." she closed her eyes.

"should i leave the lights on?" i looked at her.

"what?" she opened her eyes.

"you're scared of the dark." i tilted my head.

"oh, thats what you meant!" she put a look of realization on her face. "yeah, leave some lights on. i can't believe you remember that." of course i remember, how could i forget all the nights i've spent in the light?

"okay." i turned on the night lamp, turned off the other lights, and got to my bed. i couldn't sleep for a while, i dont know why, but eventually i finally started drifting to sleep.

"Chris?" Regina's soft voice made me wake up again.

"what?" i mumbled.

"i can't sleep." she groaned. "could you please cuddle with me?"

"you want me to cuddle with you?" i raised my eyebrows, and sat up.

"yeah." she nodded.

"okay." i got out of the bed, walked to her bed, and laid down next to her.

"thanks." she rolled over, facing the wall, so i wrapped my arm around her, holding her close to me tightly, not letting her go. "Chris, i never should've left. i missed you more than anything." i didn't know what to say to that, honestly. "i thought we would get married, and have kids, one day, but suddenly everything changed, and we became strangers."

"yeah." i sighed.

"it's all my fault, Chris." her voice was shaking.

"Regina, are you crying?" i lifted my head from the pillow, with a concerned face, trying to look at her.

"no." she's definitely crying.

"look at me." i made her roll over, and saw her eyes filled with tears. "come on, dont cry." i wiped her tears. it's all because of the stupid alcohol.

"Chris, why does everything have to change?" she sniffed.

"i guess we were meant to be just friends, Gina." i called her Gina. why did i call her Gina?

"no, Chris." she shook her head, and more tears rolled on her face. "nobody has ever made me feel the way that you did."

the words she said were so fucking hard to understand, because she was speaking fucking gibberish. she wouldn't fucking remember any of this in the morning.

"listen, everything is over between us, and we're just friends, and you know it, because i dont believe you have ever loved me, because if you did love me, you wouldn't leave." that's the biggest lie i've ever said in my life, i was just trying to make her believe that she has never loved me. i can't go back to what we had, even though i want to, because i don't want her to hurt me again.

"Chris, i didn't wanna leave, and you know it!" she shouted, and sat up. the smell of alcohol was really strong in the room, but i didn't mind it at all. in fact, i would sell my soul for a bottle of beer.

"if you didn't wanna leave, then why did you leave? nobody forced you!" i rolled my eyes, and sat up too. "and if you didn't wanna lose me, then why didn't you text me?"

"because i was scared!" she glared at me.

"bullshit! you wanted to end things, so you started making up some shit!" i was oddly calm. like i didn't give a single shit about anything that was happening, even though i did care about everything.

"i didn't want you to hate me, Chris. thats why i ended things with you. because the distance ruins every relationship. we would fight all the time, and eventually we would get to the point where we would start to hate each other, and thats what i didn't want to happen." she pressed her finger on my chest.

"thats also fucking bullshit!" i shook my head.

"do you hate me, Chris?" she looked straight into my eyes.

"maybe i do." i clenched my jaw.

"you don't hate me, Chris. that means, that i was right. ending things with you was a right choice, because you dont hate me, and i dont hate you, and at least were friends." she was right. everything she said was fucking right.

"what makes you think that i dont hate you, huh?" i tilted my head.

"you're laying in the fucking bed next to me, you took care of me during the party, and you fucking beat up a guy for me. you would never do that for someone you hated." she shook her head.

"whatever." i rolled my eyes, laid down, and rolled over to the side, so i wouldn't have to look at her.

"im sorry. i know i hurt you a lot." she mumbled and hugged me from behind.

"i forgive you." i sighed, rolled over facing her, and kissed her cheek. its crazy how fast i can forgive her. "i know you never meant to hurt me."

"yeah." she yawned, and i could feel her drifting to sleep.

"goodnight, you alcoholic." i kissed her forehead, and hugged her tightly.

"goodnight, Chris." she closed her eyes.

i watched her as she went to sleep. she looked angelic when she slept. the most beautiful creature in the world.

"sleep tight, princess. i love you." i whispered after i made sure she was asleep, hugged her tightly, and went to sleep.

A/N: i love them sm

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