chapter 18

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i made a huge mistake.

what was i even thinking?

i guess i thought staying together would make the breakup pain go away at least for a while.


it only made it worse.

having a limited time in your relationship is the worst thing that could happen to anyone.

it's even worse than it sounds, trust me.

well, today i have to go to the prom with the girl i know will break up with me (again) in exactly two weeks. cool, right?

but i guess i am still hoping she changed her mind about it, because i know she loves me.

she still loves me, and that's a fact, but she still wants to break up with me, and i don't know why, im so confused. i gave her lots of opportunities, and she rejected all of them. i don't know what im supposed to do.

it hurts. it really fucking hurts.

im trying to think of the ways i can change her mind, but no. nothing works.

for the past week i spend every second with her.

everything seemed usual except for the fact that we both knew we would break up after graduation.

okay, no more talking about that.

i was wearing a suit to the prom. my hair was great too.

i was supposed to get flowers for Regina, and then pick her up, so i left my house one hour before the prom.

15 minutes were left before the prom, and i was standing in front of Reginas door. i just opened it without even knocking. i was standing at the porch, and she walked down the stairs. she was wearing the most beautiful pink dress i have ever seen. her straight blonde hair was just as majestic as ever. she looked like a princess, and i felt like i was too lucky to have her.

had her.

"i was here for my girlfriend, i guess im at the wrong house." i smiled softly.

she hugged me tightly. "probably." i cupped her cheek, and handed her flowers that i got for her. "Chris! you didn't have to, love." she tiptoed, and kissed my lips.

and every time she kisses me i can hear the sounds of breaking down.

"well, i had to surprise you, am i right?" i tried smiling, but i probably failed miserably.

i hate to admit this but the breakup will destroy me. it will ruin me, and make me a different kind of person. my life will be miserable.

"you didn't have to do that at all." she smiled, but there was pain in her eyes, and i could see it. just a small spark of sadness only visible for me, because im the only one who notices those kind of things on her.

"alright, lets go, okay?" i smiled, and took her hand.

she nodded. "okay."

i opened the door to my car for Regina, she smiled, and hopped in the passenger seat, while i took the driver seat. i started up my car, and started driving.

my left hand was on the steering wheel while the right one was resting on my thigh. suddenly she took it, and laced our fingers together. she was caressing my hand with her thumb. i looked at her, and saw a look of sadness on her face. "you okay?" i gave her a reassuring smile.

she nodded in response without saying anything. when i stopped at a red light i could even hear her unsteady, shaky breath, and the sound of her heartbeat. she was nervous. her lips were parted and she was breathing through her mouth, like she ran a hundred miles. i couldn't help but feel even worse than i did before.

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