chapter 16

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this day started off normal. its the end of the year. we're having prom soon, and of course Regina and i are going together.

we both applied to some colleges, and im hoping i get accepted at Neoland. i always wanted to go there. they got a cool-ass football team.

Regina also applied to some colleges. im not sure where she actually wants to go though. she hasn't really been talking to me about that. she talks about everything but that. i feel like she doesn't want to talk about it, and im not forcing her to. im just worried about our future.

im scared im going to lose her, and even thinking about that makes me feel stressed. we dont talk about our future like we dont have one.

like this all was just some school romance, and nothing else.

and every time i bring up the topic of our future, she just starts talking about something else. i don't know what to do, and i don't know what she wants to do either.

i even offered her that i wouldn't go to a college for a while, and we could move in together close to the college she wanted to and we would sort things out out, but she refused. she said she didn't want to be the reason i say no to my future.

i mean, i could live perfectly fine without going to a college or a university, i already make more than enough money from my streams, and my videos. i don't have to become a lawyer to make money.

i already have enough money to buy a huge mansion with a fancy car, and live happily for the rest of my life.

i just feel like Regina doesn't want anything that i want. it's like she doesn't wanna be with me after the graduation.

but she still loves me.

i know she does.

i just don't know whats happening. im so confused. she acts the same way around me like she did before, but as soon as i try to talk about our life after school she just instantly becomes cold.

im so confused, and empty. i dont know whats happening.

i tried talking about everything with her again that day, and she literally made me shut up, and told me we have plenty of time.


exactly two days after that, Regina and i had a very unpleasant conversation.

it all happened in my house. we were cuddling, and she was also trying to pick a dress for the prom.

"Regina, we have to talk." i said to her.

"i know." she nodded without lifting her head up from the phone.

i snatched it away from her. "baby, please, let's talk."

she sighed, and shook her head. "talk about what, Chris?"

i took a deep breath. "you're not okay, are you?"

she shook her head. "i have never felt worse."

"Regina, love." my tone was calm and quiet. "talk to me."

"i dont know what to say, Chris!" and she started crying. the tears rolled down her cheeks, and i instantly wiped them away. they felt warm. then i kissed her cheek, and tasted the salt from her tears.

"say anything. just don't cry, please. you know i feel daad when you cry, darling." i wiped more of her tears. "Regina, i love you, and i want you to talk to me."

"Chris, i got accepted to Harlem college." she sighed, and pressed her forehead on my chest, as we sat on my bed.

"and?" i was genuinely confused.

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