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"It's going to be a long flight" I thought to myself before the plane took off. During takeoff, I looked out the window, I loved flying on a plane, and even more so in the evening. As soon as we arrived at altitude, Lando and Carlos started talking about this weekend's race, and the dominance that the redbull had anyway, it almost seemed as if they had forgotten that I was Max's engineer. On the contrary, Rebeca immediately picked up the phone and she started chatting with someone, I didn't even try to start a conversation

"I don't know, maybe Red Bull is strong, but last year I won a race here, so it means that it could be a circuit favorable to the performance of our car" said Carlos

"Yes, however Redbull isn't giving their best in these races, who knows how they're taking it" agreed Lando

"I remind you that I work there guys" I replied, tired of their statements


"Sorry babe, we forgot, it's strange that there is a female engineer in the paddock, plus Max doesn't even look like him anymore" said Lando

"What do you mean by this Lando?" I asked him, annoyed by his tone

"He doesn't mean anything, just that it's strange not to see Max dominating the races as usual anymore, right?" Carlos replied

"Yes, that's what I meant" said Lando, agreeing with Carlos

"He saved you this time" I told him

"Anyway, obviously Max isn't happy with his results, but we'll try to take out Ferrari on its favorable circuit" I said with a smile, echoing Carlos' words

"Ah yes, little verstappen? We'll see" Carlos replied

"What is it Sainz, afraid of someone interrupting your winning streak?" I asked him

"Mhh no, you should be afraid" he replied, looking me in the eyes

"Yeah?, and why we should be afraid of you?" I provoked him

"Come on guys, let's calm down, anyway, we were just saying that in these races the Red Bull no longer seems like the one that dominated the entire championship, that's all" said Lando

"We'll see" I replied simply putting my headphones back on

"Uuuuu tough girl" Carlos said as he patted Lando on the shoulder. By now it was almost 11pm, then I put on some music by The Weeknd, as well as my favorite singer, and I fell asleep with the voices of Carlos and Lando in the background continuing to chat. I fell asleep quickly, I didn't have any problems sleeping on the plane, and strangely on this flight I slept for more than an hour without ever waking up. After a few hours I woke up, because we were about to land, furthermore there had been some turbulence which had caused the flight to be delayed by a few hours.

As soon as I opened my eyes I noticed that my head was resting on something. When I turned around, I saw that I was leaning on Carlos' shoulder, I had been sleeping on his shoulder the whole time.

On the contrary, his body was a little relaxed on the seat, his eyes closed and his hair a little messy, but he hadn't rested his head on mine in the slightest, because otherwise he would now feel pain in his neck. Unlike Lando who had his head resting on his hand and was sleeping like a baby, I smiled at the sight.

"Is my shoulder comfortable, little Verstappen?" Carlos whispered in my ear, interrupting my thoughts. I jumped suddenly when I felt his lips so close to my ear.

"Um, sorry, I didn't mean to, did I bother you, was I heavy?" I asked him worried

"Don't worry little Verstappen, it was a joke" he told me with a little laugh

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