Chapter 10

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The sound of glass shattering fills the room as the group breaks inside. The darkness surrounding them doesn't scare them off, it makes them feel way more powerful instead. No one will see or recognize them. Jun smiles satisfied as he looks around.
"This looks like a lot of money", Vernon mumbles as the last member enters the room through the broken window. 
"I knew this was the right adress", Woojin adds as they start to walk around. Inside the room are lots of statues and valuabe things, there even is a closet as big as a door, filled with jewelry.
"Okay guys, take the jewelry, leave the statues and don't leave any traces behind, got it?" Joshua demands as the group nods. They are used to Joshua taking the lead by now, but Jun secretly liked Scoups' leadership more. The brunette wishes that his friend will return soon, something in Joshua's approach gives Jun a feeling he doesn't like. 
"The inhabitants will be home in about half an hour", Seungkwan informs the team while he looks at his tablet. Since Jeonghan and Wonwoo, the two smartest, are gone, Seungkwan has decided to take over the research. 
"The neighbors?" Joshua asks formally.
"One is on vacation, the other house is on sale so no one's home", Seungkwan states and all members exhale relieved. The loud sound of the shattered glass didn't warn anyone. As everyone is taking some valuable stuff, Jun looks around the house. He has taken the job upon him to stay on the look-out. As silent as a mouse, Jun tiptoes through the hallway, away from everyone else, who are still in the bedroom. He makes sure no one is still at home and he even takes the risk to sneak downstairs. A curse leaves his mouth as one step of the staircase squeaks under his foot. For two minutes, Jun stays completely still and listens to his surroundings. Luckily, nothing is noticeable except for his team robbing the bedroom upstairs. Jun can continue his way down and when he enters the living room, he looks at the pictures hanging on the wall. These people obviously are rich, they even have a self portret of themselves hanging above the fireplace like they do in the movies. Seeing the innocent face of a child on the portret, Jun's heart breaks a little. They're robbing a little girl's parents and for what? It's not like they need the money desperatly. People can say that it's his job, but what if Jun doesn't like what he's doing anymore? The feeling of guilt towards the people they rob keeps on growing and Jun knows he's doing wrong things. Maybe he should quit, but how? How will he tell his team that they're evil and in need to quit before the police finds them? Jun suddenly gets startled when a flashlight blinds his eyes. Surprised, he turns around and notices in disgust that it's a headlight of a car: the owners of this house are home. Triggered, Jun storms back upstairs and in panic he starts waving his arms around to warn the others.
"They're home!" Jun yells, his voice almost cracks in panic.
"Who?" Joshua asks puzzled, not understanding Jun's nervousness.
"The owners!" Jun exclaims and the whole crew widens their eyes in panic. Joshua drops the bracelet he was holding and points towards the window they entered in.
"Everyone, get out!" the leader yells as he pushes Vernon towards the window. In terror, Jun realizes that the car is parked right underneath the window, what if the owners are still there?
"Wait!" Jun yells and the whole team looks at him confused.
"What!?" Joshua shouts stressed out.
"The car!" Jun has trouble keeping his voice down as he points at the vehicle. And not one second too early because only now, the owners get out of the car and walks towards the front door.
"I can't believe I forgot my wallet", the man mumbles and the team holds their breath trying not to make a sound.
"Daddy is a bit forgetful, isn't he?" the woman's voice follows soon after.
"He is!" a childish voice agrees giggling. Jun's heart shatters hearing the innocence, that will be ruined in just a few seconds. When the inhabitants close the front door behind them, Joshua urges Vernon to jump. The clock is ticking, they could come upstairs any minute now. As Vernon disappears behind the window, something catches Jun's eye. The goddamn wallet is laying down on the bedside table, which means that the owners are headed towards this specific room.
"Where did I put it?" the dad asks frustrated as the mom laughs.
"In the bedroom, where you always put your stuff", the mom asks. Jun widens his eyes terrified as he realizes what is about to happen. He glances at the team but soon notices that only Seungkwan and Vernon have jumped out yet. Woojin is just getting ready to jump when Jun decides to take action. Without thinking even further, he snatches the wallet and storms into the hallway.
"Jun! What are you doing!?" Joshua's voice echoes behind him as he keeps running.
"Holding them back", the brunette mumbles as he reaches the staircase. He swallows nervously as he watches the dad walking up the stairs slowly. Not knowing anything better, Jun throws the wallet down the stairs into the living room, causing it to make a dull sound. The mom looks back startled and the dad stumbles down the stairs, but he doesn't seem to have hurt himself badly. Frozen, Jun stands still and watches the parents leave the kid alone to go look for the cause of the sound. Jun squats and suddenly locks eyes with the young girl, who tilts her head confused but still smiles anyway. The brunette can't help but smile as well, the girl truly warms his heart.
"Sweety, what are you looking at?" the mom suddenly asks and Jun didn't even see her come back in.
"My new friend", the child answers innocently and it startles Jun so much that he loses his balance and stumbles down the stairs, causing the woman to scream her lungs out in fear.
"You're funny", the young girl laughs as she points at Jun, who tries to find a way out. While the woman is still screaming, Jun gets himself up and hobbles towards the front door. Let's hope he held them back long enough for his team to escape safely. But just as Jun is about to reach the doorknob, he gets pushed down harshly and the dad towers over him. Jun soon gets a few punches in his chest and some in his face follow too. Coughing, Jun tries to defend himself while he hears the maniac laughter of the little girl in the background.
"You fucking robber, you have some guts to come rob my place!" the man growls as he hits Jun once again. The brunette tastes the salty taste of blood in his mouth and he believes that his cheek is turning blue. Thoughts are racing through his mind while he's trying to see a way out, but the punches won't stop. Then, the man changes and wraps his hands around Jun's neck. The brunette's eyes widen in fear as the dad grins evil.
"I'm not scared to show you what happens if you come on my bad side", he says smirking as Jun feels his head getting dizzy. He needs air, right now. Just as Jun is about to faint, a dull, metal sound reaches his ears and the man on top of him falls down. The woman screams again and a masked man grabs Jun and pulls him outside as he supports him. After a few seconds, Jun's head is sort of normal again and he can run himself. For a few minutes, the two are just running without saying a word. When they turn around the corner, the masked man stops.
"Thanks", Jun breathes out and the maksed man takes off his mask in anger. A furious Josua is staring into Jun's eyes.
"What was your problem!? You could've been killed!" he yells as the team suddenly appears around Jun and his leader.
"I wanted to give you guys some time", Jun mumbles as he rubs is neck.
"I'm your leader, I should do that. And besides, you have done something really stupid. You have brought the whole crew in danger!" Joshua exclaims and the team flinches under his anger.
"I was just trying to help...", Jun mutters, but Joshua only grunts irritated.
"These guys are though, I won't rob innocent people! They are not afraid to kill, that's why I want you guys to be careful! You have truly screwed it up", Joshua says as he shakes his head dissapointed.
"What's the matter? I didn't die!" Jun snaps back.
"You don't understand, do you? They have seen your face, they will tell the cops and all their friends! You are a wanted man from now on, you will always have to be extra careful! You just took away your own freedom." Jun gasps as Josua's words reach his ears. He truly screwed it up now.


Joshua turns around to walk off, he can't face his team any longer. Jun has brought himself in such danger and the fool didn't even realize. 
"I can't wait for Scoups to return", Jun says and Joshua turns around again triggered. The brunette is staring in his eyes, this time he is the one with fury.
"Excuse me?" Joshua asks calmly and the whole team stares at the two olders in shock. They all know this won't end very well.
"With Scoups, we wouldn't be robbing people who would be a danger towards us. We would do more innocent things. I don't like your way of working." Joshua stares at Jun startled as every word hits him like a train. Why is Jun suddenly acting this rebellious?
"That's too bad, you're stuck with me", Joshua grits through his teeth as Jun scoffs boldly.
"Not when Scoups takes over the lead", Jun replies and Joshua can't hold it back no longer.
"Well, he's not." Gasps fill the cold air as the leader's words echoe through the group. Jun stares at his leader in shock, trying to find his words.
"What?" he stutters surprised.
"You heard me. Scoups is not taking over the lead. He called me and he said he isn't the right person to lead this group, he even gave me his word that I will stay as a leader. So cut the bullshit", Joshua blurs out and Jun's eyes start to tear up as the realization hits.
"I don't mind", Woojin comments, but he gets angry looks in return. Joshua on the other hand feels warm, at least someone is happy. Of course Joshua misses Scoups, but the older will come back, just not as a leader.
"Now, if you will excuse me, I have some important things to do", Joshua adds as he already makes his way out. The leader acts as if he doesn't care about this, but it actually leaves him with lots of questions. Why the sudden decision? Would Dino be involved with this? Of course Dino will be involved, the stupid brat always ends up influencing Scoups into doing wrong things. Joshua remembers the time where Jeonghan, Scoups and him were the best of friends. The things they have been through have made them stronger. Now Joshua feels left alone, like an only survivor who just lost everyone he cares about. Before the leader knows it, his feet bring him towards a very familiar door and with a smile, Joshua lifts his arm and knocks on the wood.
"Joshua?" Dino looks confused as he opens the door and Joshua's smile drops immediatly.
"Is Scoups home?" he asks coldly and Dino shakes his head annoyed.
"No he's not, but I am." Joshua takes a minute to think, but then shrugs unbothered.
"Hm, you will do", he states as he walks inside, almost pushing Dino over. The brunette is a bit startled, but soon fixes his posture and stands in front of the leader.
"Are you involved in Scoups' decision?" Joshua immediatly accuses.
"What?" Dino asks a bit startled.
"Oh, you know what I'm talking about", Joshua grunts as he rolls his eyes.
"No, I was shocked myself when he told me." Dino's answer doesn't convince Joshua at all.
"But I do have a question for you too", Dino narrows his eyes challenging and Joshua tilts his head.
"What were you doing near prison?" Joshua blinks surprised hearing that question.
"Don't act dumb. I am seeing right through you and I will expose you soon enough. Just you wait, one mistake and you will be caught, nasty traitor."

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