Chapter 15

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Aria was looking through the plan notes to see if there was an easy way to get into the castle. All she could think about was the entrance through the kitchen, but since that was exposed and they started to put more locks on the gate and put guards there, she couldn't use that entrance. Aria screamed into her pillow in frustration. "Why did he have to make it so hard to break into!" Aria screamed in frustration. Cyrus walked into her ten, "I hope that i'm not bothering you in anyway. It's not like I can knock on anything." Aria laughed, "It's fine,  I was just looking into easier ways to get into the castle." Cyrus nodded and walked over towards her. He leaned over to get a look at what she was doing. "I've got some news," he said. Aria looked at him suspicously, "what is it?" Cyrus smirked, "you may or may not like this news. Were moving locations, were going to a spot that is much closer to Drylliad, but that also means you'll have less freedom. We heard news that King Jaron and Queen Imogen have been visiting around Carthya, were going to a small town outside of Drylliad which will be their last stop. You'll get a chance to see them in person."

Aria's green eyes widened, "Your joking?" Cyrus shook his head. "Were moving out soon, they already started packing. We'll probably be leaving sometime tommorow morning," Cyrus suggested. Aria stared at Cyrus who was leaning over her shoulder. "That's wonderful news! I should start packing up my stuff now!" Aria said excitedly. "I really do hope that they find Princess Alexius," Cyrus muttured. "Oh do stop now, your so in love with her!" Aria joked. Cyrus looked quickly away from her, "No I do not!" Aria laughed,"It's so obvious that you do! Don't even try to hide it! Why don't you tell me why you like her so much?" Cyrus looked at her for a moment and sighed. "You see, she's got these pretty-"

"Cyrus! What are you doing in here?" Viper interupted Cyrus. "I was explainning to Aria about the new plan," Cyrus explained. Viper grabbed Cyrus's wrist and squeazed it. "I told you to go help pack up and I would tell her about it," Viper hissed into Cyrus's ear but loud enough for Aria to hear. "Fine, whatever!" Cyrus said and he broke his hand free from his fathers grip. Cyrus walked out of then tent in anger. "I'm sure that you have already heard the news now. I'm going to make sure that you get to see the King and Queen up close,  just not close enough for them to see you," He said with a cheerful smirk. 

Aria looked at him in disgust, something about Viper was really giving her a bad vibe. "Okay, i'll start packing up now," Aria said quickly and started to ignore Viper. He nodded and headed out of the tent. 

The morning had finally arrived that they would be heading out. Aria hopped onto Dawn, hoping that he wouldn't do anything stupid this time. Aria wore a mask and cloak to keep her identity a seceret, Cyrus had suggested that she do so. The caravan headed out, Aria was quite excited to start traveling some. Aria kept all of her personal belongings on Dawn so no would touch or steal them. Cyrus was riding on his horse, Cobra. Aria thought that he was crazy to name a horse a type of snake breed but he explained that he was very fond of cobras when he was younger and always wanted to name one of his pets Cobra. Aria still thought that Cyrus was crazy.

They rode for what felt like years until they stopped at a stream to take a break. Ivy came running over to them with some food in her hand. "I've got us some food that we can eat, and the stream is fresh water if your thirsty," Ivy said. "Thanks Ivy," Cyrus said happily. Ivy smiled and bit into her piece of bread. Aria laughed, "You're acting like you haven't eaten in days!" Ivy looked at her dead in the eyes. "I haven't," She said in a dark tone. Aria's face went blank and she shut her mouth. "Im joking, I have," Ivy laughed. Aria muttured a fake laughed and leaned over to Cyrus. "Your sister is a bit crazy and creepy at the same time," She muttered. "I know," Cyrus agreed.

Aria made sure that Dawn was well fed and got him ready to head out again, they weren't to far from their destination, but they still had about a day's worth of traveling before they got there.

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