Chapter 25

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It was officially announced that Alexius had returned home. After it was announced she tried to find Cyrus, but he was nowhere to be seen. A couple of days had passed since she returned home, tonight they were throwing a party for the return of the princess. Her mother had her make a new dress and wouldn't stop pestering her with hugs and kisses. Jaron on the other hand, had kept his distance since she returned and she didn't particularly care. He hadn't apologized for killing Aria. Alexius heard a knock at the door and guessed that it was her mother again. "What is it Mom?" she called. It wasn't her mother though. "Is that how you greet your mother? I taught you better," Jaron said. He was holding something in a white cloth.

Alexius gazed a look at him but then turned away. "Listen, I never killed Aria. She died saving you," Jaron said. Alexius paused what she was doing and faced her father, "what did you just say?" Alexius was fearful that she might have the whole situation wrong. "Once you collapsed, the attacker went after you. Aria jumped in the way to protect you and she took the blow," Jaron explained. Alexius gasped, "But I saw you standing over her body and blood all over you." Jaron shook his head, "I was standing over the attacker's body and I was covered in his blood." Alexius put her hands to her face and sank to the floor. "I'm so stupid!" She yelled. Jaron laughed, "No you're not. You just believed what you thought you saw that night, there is no shame in that."

Alexius sighed, "I'm sorry Dad." Alexius hugged Jaron and he smiled at her. "Anyways, the reason I came was to show you you're crown, we fixed it up some," Jaron explained and he gave it to Alexius to look at. "Oh wow, you changed it up quite a bit," Alexius said. Jaron nodded, it not only had anything on it but now had sapphire and diamonds. It also was slightly bigger to fit her since she had grown since she had last worn it. Alexius placed the crown on her head. "I'm ready," She said, Jaron took her arm and they headed towards the ballroom doors, meeting Imogen in front of them. Alexius sighed, she hoped that all the rumors that were constantly spread about her finally faded away.

Alexius heard the announcer on the other side of the door announce the arrival of the royal family. She hated that Darius wasn't here with her. The doors opened and the crowd parted way for the royal family. Alexius heard someone whisper, "So she has returned." A little girl broke free of her mother's grip and ran up to Alexius. "Princess, I have a flower for you," She held up a white rose. Alexius smiled and knelt to her height. "It's so pretty, thank you. Would you like to put it in my hair?" She asked. The small girl nodded and put it behind her ear. Imogen smiled at her and Jaron nodded at her in approval. Alexius took the small girl's hand and brought her back to her mother. The mother apologized multiple times, but Alexius said that it was ok.

She followed her parents back to their thrones. It had been a very long time since she had sat on her throne. Jaron thanked everyone for coming and let the party begin. Alexius was forced to meet a bunch of people that she wasn't interested in meeting. After she had met everyone, her mother said that Alexius had to do a dance and she would have to pick a partner to dance with. Alexius walked down to the center of the crowd and looked around for someone to dance with. "It's a shame that Cyrus isn't here," She mumbled to herself. She felt very awkward as she found no one interesting. Then she saw him, in a blue and gold suit, the signature colors of Carthya, Cyrus was leaning against one of the beams. He had his sleeves rolled up to reveal the scars on his arm from his past, which she found odd since he never liked to show them.

Alexius walked to Cyrus, "Would you care to dance?" Cyrus looked at her shocked, he took her hand and went to the center of the ballroom to preform the dance. They took their bows and started to dance.

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