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Modern!au // Highschool!au

3d pov
Apparently sanemi has been getting a box of ohagi in his locker everyday with a silly note hanging on the box.

"I hope your day brightens up :)"
"I love your smile. :3"
"You should smile more! <3"
Most were written on the small notes he have been getting. Sanemi thought these notes were cute but who is giving him all of these ohagi and notes?

Sanemi found a something else beside a box of ohagi, instead there was a small box in his locker with a note sticking to it.
"I want to give this to you in person but I'm too shy.
-your mysterious admirer."
Sanemi read the note and smiled at this thinking it was really cute and he really wanna know who was the mysterious person.

Sanemi heard something coming to the locker hallway, he looked over to see two of his classmates talking.

Sanemi side-eyes the two talking while he was getting his stuff from his locker.

The two were Kyojuro, a boy with yellow flaminglike hair with bright red tips on them to top that off with bright yellow eyes with red rings matching the color of his hair.
The second was giyuu, a ravenette with the slightest midnight blue tint on the tips with dull blue eyes.

Sanemi developed feelings for the ravenette.

The two were passing away while talking.
Giyuu turned his eyes to sanemi who was holding the box, watching him. Sanemi looked back at giyuu, which made giyuu looked away quickly slightly embarrassed.

Sanemi shrugged it off before turning back to his locker, closing it then he sat down bench with the box in his lap.

Sanemi slowly unfolded the box and opened it to see it was a cute bento box with some tayaki with it.

Sanemi slightly smiled, he noticed giyuu with a small pink tint on his face looking at him opening the bento box.

He quickly looked away embarrassed as soon as Sanemi saw him looking.

Sanemi smirked, realizing who is giving him all these ohagis.

At the rooftop during cleaning time.
Sanemi looked everywhere for giyuu just to find them at the rooftop standing by the railing.

Sanemi approach giyuu. "Hey." Starling giyuu a bit.

Giyuu slowly turned around to see Sanemi in front of him with a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Shinazugawa?" Giyuu titled his head.

"Hi,hey.." sanemi repeated trying to not show weakness at giyuu.

"You're the one who gave me all these ohagi, aren't you?" Sanemi asked.

Giyuu had a pink tint appearing on his cheeks before nodding his head simply. "How'd you know?.."

"I had my ways. Honestly I think your notes are really cute, as cute as you." Sanemi grinned

Giyuu blushed.

Sanemi then scratched the back of his head before continuing.

"Anyways, i wanted to ask if you.. wanna get ohagi together." Sanemi asked.

"Really?" Giyuu's pink tint got brighter which made sanemi thought he was cute.

"Really." Sanemi said, grabbing giyuu's hand.

Giyuu quickly nodded when Sanemi grabbed his hand which made sanemi chuckle at his actions.

"Let's go." Sanemi grinned, intertwining his fingers with giyuu's. Sanemi dragging giyuu with him.


They were both sitting on a bench talking while eating some ohagi together.

Kiss kiss🫶🫶
533 words

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