The noises 🍋🍋

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3d pov

Tengen was walking through the hallways scrolling through tiktok on his phone while chewing bubble gum.

He blew a bubble out of the bubble gum.

Yum, strawberry flavor.

He was just about to pass by sanemi and giyuu's dorm but he heard something coming from their room. Tengen paused to look at their door after he heard something then he continued to walk but then.

Another noise was heard.

Tengen paused.

He looked at the door again trying to process what he was hearing.

Some noises coming from it.

loud noises.

Tengen was wondering what was going on in there because why is it so loud?

"h-hah!~" was what he heard muffled through the door.

Tengen's bubble popped.

His eyes widen with shock.

It took a minute for tengen to realize what it was he was hearing.

There was some sort of clapping coming from the two's dorm to top that off with noises coming too.

"Holy shit." Tengen thought to himself.

"They're actually doing it." Tengen thought to himself again slightly choked on his bubble gum.
"I can't believe it." Tengen was surprised that the two are actually at it.

He turned off his phone,  putting it into his pocket.

Tengen approached the door, putting his ear onto the door to eavesdropping what was going on.

"h-hah!~ n-nemi!~" giyuu gasped, each body clapping on each other.

"r-right there!~" giyuu was completely having all it in while sanemi was just smashing him.

Giyuu's neck, collarbone and shoulders were covered in hickeys and love bites everywhere, giyuu's eyes were filled with lust. Just like sanemi's. His lips were swollen.

"S-shit.. coming so many times while I haven't? What a slut.." Sanemi spoke while thrusting into giyuu even rougher with his cock, hitting his prostate perfectly with a leg on his shoulder while the other wrapped on his waist.

"S-sorry.. I c-can't h-help it!~" he was interrupted with a rough thrust hitting his prostate aggressively.

"no matter how much i thrust, your pretty asshole is still tight wanting for me to thrust harder." Sanemi grinned while thrusting into giyuu.

Giyuu moaned loudly

His hand gripped one of giyuu's trembling thighs that was on his shoulder, the other hand on his waist to keep him still while he thrusts.

Giyuu's thighs were covered in hickeys and love bites too, especially his inner thighs have most of them.

It would leave bruises behind due to Sanemi grabbing his thighs.

"N-nghh~.. h-harder!~" giyuu had his arms wrapped around sanemi's shoulders, scratching his back with his backs that would leave scratch marks too.

"beg, slut." Sanemi grinned, loving to hear giyuu begging for his cock.

"h-hah..~ n-nemiii~ p-please! I w-want your cock!~"
Giyuu obeyed.

"Your wish is my command." Sanemi smirked then began to thrust rougher into giyuu's pretty asshole, gripping giyuu's thighs possibly harder.

"H-hah!~ n-nemi!~" giyuu gasped letting out a loud moan.

"Yeah, m-moan my name like that baby." Sanemi groaned. Sanemi loved hearing his name on giyuu's lips loudly.

"You're mine, giyuu. N-ngh~.. you're only mine and mine. Got it?" Sanemi leaned down to whisper to giyuu's ear.

Giyuu moaned as response.

"I asked you a question." Sanemi snarled, tightening his grip on giyuu's trembling thighs.

"Y-Yes!" Giyuu managed to answer to sanemi.

"A-ah!~ im your s-slut, n-nemi!" giyuu loudly moaned. "I-im only y-yours!~" giyuu gasped.

"Good boy." Sanemi praised.

Giyuu moaned as response again.

Sanemi was focused on getting close to coming, he started to thrust impossibly faster, giyuu couldn't focus on anything, he was seeing stars. He was letting out a lot of ah's which were music to sanemi's ears.

Back to tengen.

Tengen thinks to himself that he heard enough of the two, he chuckles thinking to talk to the two about it later.

Tengen takes his ear off the door, putting his earphones on.

He wiped a bit of blood that dripped from his nose a bit when he was eavesdropping.

703 words🫶
My first time writing smut<3

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