Mating season. 🍋🍋

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What's this?? Another smut page??
- Modern!au.
- Omegaverse!au.
- Sanemi and Giyu are mates.
- Alpha sanemi.
- Omega giyu.

3d pov

Mating season.

A type of season that's quite common, more like a cycle on your life for each three genders. One goes into heat and desires for another while the other feels the same way, they would take care of each other til they're fully satisfied to their reaching point and exhaustion. When they reach this type of cycle, they'll feel a desire like I said and would try to find a way. Find someone or something to satisfy them.

This may go on for almost three months because mating season is just around spring season but mating season ends faster than spring. This cycle is very common for those with mates, those without mates would probably satisfy themselves if they want while the ones with mates would satisfy one another. You may or may not get what I'm saying.


They FUCK.


Mating season has arrived at march 1st, everyone was just getting ready for themselves and adjusting to the heat they began to feel in their bodies. Except for those with no bitches. Exactly.

Sanemi would come home from work a bit early than usual today as he would rub the back of his neck out of exhaustion from work, he came as early as possible because he wanted to see his mate. A househusband who stays at home doing the housework and chores while he goes to work for him and his mate. Today was the start of mating season and the alpha can already feel his pheromones going up higher than ever, much higher than expected but that's normal for an alpha. It's similar to a rut.

"Giyu! I'm home!"

The scarred man would yell out his husband's name before taking off his coat while waiting for a response only for his ears to perk up at the sounds of faint whimpering from upstairs, he would get a faint whiff of some sort of arousal as well making his pheromones increasing higher.

As a desire for his husband, his omega husband. Who could be waiting for him at the moment. He tried not to pay much attention to it because his thoughts were only about giyu but his curiosity was increasing as curiosity would take over him.

He would walk up the stairs, reaching their shared bedroom. He could hear a familiar voice inside with faint whimpering as well as the alpha would twist the doorknob open, to his surprise, he found something. A sight to behold.

There giyu was laying in bed with pillows and blankets everywhere that he was nesting for a bit as his legs spread apart, he was rubbing fast circles on his puffy pussy while his omega cock twitching from the pleasure as he was looking at the door when sanemi came in, he wasn't surprised. Because he actually was waiting for his husband to come back home.

"Welcome back, honey.."

The 'malewife' omega would greet the alpha with a bashful smile on his lips while giving him a show of a sight to behold of him  playing with himself as he waited for sanemi who was froze on the spot, he can get a strong scent of giyu's warm arousal from his heat. He can feel his pants tightening and his hardness growing as well just watching the sight.

"I was getting myself ready for our night together.."

The ravenette truthfully said as he continued to play with himself with sanemi standing there frozen, the omega's pheromones and arousal scent were high as hell from what he's doing at the moment. Sanemi finally found his courage to walk again, he closed the door behind him then locking it.

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