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Sanemi and giyuu are dating.

3d pov

"Nemi.. you don't have to buy this for me, you know?" the ravenette spoke while holding the bag in his hands.

The two were on a walk at Osaka, when Sanemi decided to buy something giyuu laid his eyes on.

He didn't want Sanemi to buy all of this for him.

Sanemi bought him so much stuff.

"I just want you to have it." The other smiled. "I want you to have everything."

"Everything." He repeated

Ever since they both started dating, Sanemi has been showering giyuu with tons of love affections and expensive grand gifts for giyuu, just giyuu, only him.

Mostly Sanemi gets him expensive jewelry, and taking him out to luxury restaurants that where Sanemi books their seat. Actually, he books the entire restaurant just for himself and giyuu.

Sometimes he gets giyuu expensive brand bracelets and bouquets.

Giyuu felt like Sanemi is doing so much for him.

"That's really sweet of you bu-" giyuu was cut off with a kiss by sanemi, he melted in the kiss.

Sanemi had his hands on giyuu's waist.

Sanemi pulled away. "I don't care, I just love you so much that I want you to have everything."

"We're in public, nemiii.." giyuu placed his head on sanemi's chest completely flustered at his words.

Sanemi chuckled slightly. "That doesn't matter." He placed a hand under giyuu's chin, moving his head up to look at sanemi.

He leaned down to plant another kiss.

Giyuu quickly placed his hand on sanemi's lips, preventing him from kissing the other.

He was completely flustered, his face had a pink red-ish tint over his cute cheeks.

"We're in publiccc!" He whined, unable to get over the fact they were about to kiss in public.

Giyuu pouted at Sanemi who instead started planting small kisses on giyuu's palm which made his pink tint brighter.

Sanemi grabbed giyuu's hand, pulling it away from his lips.

He grinned. "You know you're so cute, makes me wanna get you more stuff."

Giyuu was embarrassed by the compliment.

"Well? Go on, open the bag." Sanemi switched the topic quickly, leaving giyuu flustered.

Giyuu sighed before opening the bag, it had a flower-shaped kanzashi, a traditional japanese hairpin used to be as kanzashi.

The kanzashi was a flower-shaped, a CERTAIN blue flower that looks like a spider lily but it's not red, usually most of them are red but this one is blue.

It was the one he was looking at earlier before sanemi bought it for him.

"Aw, it's beautiful." Giyuu smiled softy.

"How much is this?" Giyuu titled his head with a small concern.

"12,605.75 yen for that." Sanemi didn't hesitate at all.

"Nemi.." giyuu pouted slightly.

"It's for you, babe." Sanemi smiled, pinching giyuu's cheeks while he pouted.

"I know but, you don't have to.." giyuu spoke with concern.

"I don't really deserve this.." giyuu placed his head on sanemi's chest again, sighing.

"Hm." Sanemi hummed.

"You're Right, you don't deserve this."

Sanemi pulled giyuu closer, leaning down to his ear whispering.

"You deserve more." Sanemi smiled brightly.

Giyuu quickly looked up after hearing those words.

Giyuu opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by sanemi again.

"Cmon, let's go. There's still more I wanna get for you." Sanemi grabbed giyuu's hand, intertwining his rough fingers with giyuu's soft ones.

The two continued to walk together with their hands intertwined.

577 words🫶
man is getting more love affections than I am😔

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