クリスマス 🌨️

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' ' メリークリスマス ' '
Fluff - Christmas morning.
Sanemi and giyu are already dating.
Giyu can actually cook🫶

3d pov

Japan was going through the cold winter season of December this year, well. Every year to be exact. Lots of snow were poured everywhere, which makes it colder. Infact it's Christmas too.

The scarred man grouts, moving his arms to wrap them around the ravenette to find some warmth and morning cuddles but next to him was empty. The man slowly opens hissing at the sun rays shining through the window that the curtains were on the sides of the window.

" Yuu? " the scarred man called for the missing ravenette, looking around for him only to find their white shiba curled up in a ball while sleeping in its bed that it's dads spoiled it with a very comfy bed.

The man decided to leave the shiba alone to sleep.

The man slowly gets onto his feet, walking out of the room leaving the blankets untidy, forgetting about them or just too lazy to care.

he walks over to the living room to notice some Christmas decorations, and the decorated Christmas tree but just missing the star, the star was in the box full of decorations just next to the tree but no sight of the ravenette.

The scarred man heard a melodic humming that was coming from the kitchen, along with the same sweet smell too.

he walks over to the kitchen to find his beautiful ravenette in his sleep-shorts and he was wearing an oversized t-shirt which belonged to the scarred man, his hair was also down laying on his shoulders, he was humming a melodic song while chopping some vegetables on the chopping board.

Sanemi walks up to the ravenette before wrapping his scarred arms around the other's waist, tightly like he doesn't want to let go of the ravenette or ever.

" good morning, babe.. " the taller said with a slight sleepy tone while placing his head on the other's shoulder.

" Good morning to you too, sleepyhead. " the ravenette chuckles softly while pouring the chopped vegetables into the boiling soup in the pot.

" メリークリスマス " the ravenette said with a soft smile.

The scarred man smiled back, " メリークリスマス "
he said.

The shorter was stirring the boiling pot with a wooden soup, putting the wooden spoon away before putting the pot lid on top to leave the pot boiling for a few minutes.

" What are you making? " sanemi asks.

" I'm making miso soup with onigiri. " the other answers while making some onigiri, " can you help me decorate the estate later? Oh! And the Christmas tree with the star too, I can't reach it. " he said, placing the onigiri on the wooden plate as he continues to make more onigiri enough for both him and sanemi.

" sure, but you also owe me some cuddles babe. " the other answers with a grin, making the ravenette slightly blush at the nickname even though sanemi has always called giyu pet nicknames.

He was so glad that the master gave the hashira a day off from work, it was quite exhausting.

" alright alright. " the ravenette chuckles. " by the way, I'm going to the market today do you wanna come with me? " the ravenette places the third onigiri on the wooden plate before heading over for the pot lid.

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