The uniform

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3d pov

"Uhm.. I don't think.. that is going to work." The ravenette spoke.

"Miss tomioka, it's the uniform for girls and ladies!
It would work for sure!" The kakushi said.

"Are you sure?" The water pillar titled her head.

The kakushi was holding a uniform that was like mitsuri's uniform.

A short skirt just lower than the hips, the chest area was exposed in the middle.

"I'm sure, miss tomioka!" The kakushi said.


Giyuu was walking back to her estate after her rough mission with a retired lowermoon.

Her uniform was ripped and ruined, she managed to keep her haori undamaged.

Some parts of her uniform were ripped to shreds, exposing parts of her body a bit, that gave her a few cuts and scars from the lowermoon.

She tries to cover herself with her haori, trying not to expose herself while heading back to her estate.

Giyuu finally reaches her estate, unlocking the gate to it. She slides the shoji door open, entering the estate.

Her kakushis were working, even though she gave them the day off, they still insisted on working for her.

She closed the shoji door. Taking off her haori, folding her haori neatly before walking into her bedroom.

She placed her folded haori on her desk.

She heard footsteps coming towards her bedroom.

One of her kakushis entered the room. "Miss tomioka! I heard you've returned from your missio-" the kakushi looked up pausing completely shocked by the water pillar's uniform.

"miss tomioka! What happened to you!?" The kakushi screamed.

"I-" the pillar tried to explain but was cut off.

"I-I'll get you a new one, miss!"

Current time.

"I still don't know. It's just.. sort of revealing?" The water pillar was trying to let the kakushi down gently so she wouldn't hurt his feelings.

"Mitsuri-sama is also wearing that! She'll have a friend for wearing that." The kakushi let out a thumbs-up.


Sanemi threw the uniform onto the ground, the uniform was covered in gas.

He threw a match at the uniform.

The uniform literally started BURNING.

"NOO!! THE UNIFORM!" The kakushi started screaming, when the uniform he suggested for the water Pillar.

Most of the corps uniforms are fire-proof but the wind pillar managed to BURN it.

"HOW IS IT BURNING?!" The kakushi was panicking.

"Shinazugawa.." the water pillar was trying to calm the wind pillar down, but who just held his arm up in front of the other, preventing her from going.

"No. Let it burn." Sanemi glared at the kakushi.

The uniform was literally burning into burnt shreds then ashes after.

Sanemi walked towards the kakushi who was trembling in fear.

The wind pillar picked up the kakushi by gripping his collar aggressively, glaring at the kakushi trembling.

"She requested a fucking male uniform, not that one. Are you deaf or what? jackass." He snarled at the kakushi.

The kakushi was shaking.

"I asked you a question." The wind pillar glared which made the kakushi shook his head quickly.

"IM SORRY, IM SORRYYYY!!" The kakushi repeated.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to her." He dragged the kakushi with him to the water pillar.

He dropped the kakushi in front of the water pillar who was wearing the wind pillar's haori to cover herself, even tho she wasn't wearing the uniform anymore. She was wearing a slightly loose kimono.

"Apologize." The wind pillar crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"WAHAHHAA!! MISS TOMIOKA, IM SORRRYY!! IM SORRY, REAL SORRYYY!!" The kakushi dropped to his knees, his hands clasped while begging for her forgiveness.

"PLEASE FORGIVE MEE!!" The kakushi begged.

"It's fine, just get me a male uniform. Please.." the water pillar forgave him, speaking gently.

"You heard her." Sanemi growled at the kakushi.

"YES WILL DO, WILL DO!!" The kakushi stood up nodding his head before running away to get her a new uniform as requested.

After the kakushi ran away, giyuu turned to Sanemi.

"You didn't have to do that, you know?" Giyuu titled her head slightly.

"That kakushi is an asshole, he got you a uniform you didn't want." The wind pillar snarled.

Giyuu had a small pink tint on her cheeks, it would be noticeable if you pay attention really close.

"If that asshole gets you the same, just inform me." He looked away slightly embarrassed, that he was helping her.

Giyuu smiled a bit. "If you say so."

732 words🫶🫶
Imagine giyuu wearing mitsuri's uniform

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