The car ride

688 7 14

ft. tanjiro
Most likely water brothers content :3
Basically random lolloolol
i got so distracted with im so sorry
Giyu and sanemi are in a secret relationship

3d pov

"Giyu-san! Giyu-san!"

The young teenager with the short burgundy hair called out for the ravenette who is currently steering the wheel as the two were in the car, a little while ago giyu picked up tanjiro from a friend's house.

"Hm?" The ravenette didn't glance over to the teenager because he had to keep his eyes on the road but he was also listening to the boy as the same time as well, he made sure to steer the wheel properly.

"You and shinazugawa-san are just friends right?" The young teenager looked up to the man again while he was eating an onigiri he was given just before giyu came to pick him up.

"Yeah, what about it?" The ravenette glanced over to the teenager then immediately eyes back onto the road forward.

The young teenager opened his mouth to ask the ravenette but soon hesitated thinking if it would be too much and personal to him, he was really curious about something but he didn't want the ravenette to feel uncomfortable and just took a bite out of the onigiri he was eating.

The ravenette noticed the burgundy haired teenager's hesitation and rose a brow in curiosity, "what is it?" He repeated his question hoping he would get an answer this time.

"I won't judge you, just tell me tanjiro." The ravenette reached a hand to tanjiro's head and gently patted his head trying to soothe him calm and convince the teenager to tell him before placing his hand back on the steering wheel with the other hand on it as well.

"Why does shinazugawa-san call you babygirl?" The burgundy haired teenager said it without second thought of hesitation this time after being convinced by the older male.

Giyu almost choked on his own spit in his throat when he heard the question from the teenager, being taken aback and accidentally gripped the steering wheel tightly as he realized before loosening up his grip on the steering wheel.

"Tanjiro.. what makes you think of that?" The ravenette asked with a bit of concern in his voice, he needed to know this immediately of how tanjiro knew that shinazugawa calls him babygirl.

"A couple days ago I heard you and shinazugawa-san talking! And I heard him calling you 'babygirl' is that true?" The teenager took another bite out of the onigiri and turned his gaze to the ravenette who had somewhat of a shocked face which gave tanjiro the chills and realized.

"Oh! You don't have to answer me but I'm really curious!" The teenager spoke up again with a bright smile graced upon his expression looking up to the black haired man who's currently on the steering wheel listening to him.



Tanjiro was on a walk at the park with nezuko talking to each other, nezuko wanted to buy some ice cream since she saw an ice cream shop so tanjiro let her go and buy some since she could take care of herself. He was by himself waiting and trying to find something to kill the time.

Til he heard somewhere behind one of the trees nearby, he was curious of what he heard and walked over to the tree making sure his steps were light and quiet so he doesn't attract any unnecessary attention or scare anyone if someone was there.

He saw giyu and sanemi behind the tree talking to each other, he thought the two weren't really on good terms and might've 'accidentally' eavesdropped on their conversation between the tree.

"Alright, I'll see you later." The ravenette warmly smiled to the scarred man with a blush forming on his cheeks as he waved to him, the white haired man responded to him.

"I'll see you later as well at my place, babygirl." The scarred man nodded his head, the nickname seem to caught giyu off guard and cause him to get flustered. The white haired man smirked and chuckled at his reaction and waved back to him before walking away with his hands dug into his pocket.

Tanjiro was also caught off guard when he heard sanemi calling giyu 'babygirl', a female pronoun for females but why? He was clueless, giyu was a man not a woman but sanemi called him a female nickname which confused tanjiro a lot.

He tried to walk away but accidentally stepped on a stick, he quickly jumped into the bush and hid himself there when he saw giyu turning around when the ravenette heard something and rose a brow in curiosity if anyone was secretly listening to their conversation and there was but he saw no one.

"Hm." Giyu made a small 'hmph' sound before turning back and started walking away as well after, tanjiro let out a sigh of relief when he wasn't caught but he was still curious about it.

The teenager waited for the black haired man to be out of the coast before popping his head out of the bush, a couple leaves were on his hair as he looked over and it was clear til.

"Oni-chan! What were you doing in the bush?" Nezuko came back out of the blue holding two ice cream in her hands, one for herself and one for tanjiro, The boy turned to nezuko and got a little embarrassed of himself but brushed it off as a bright smile graced on his expression when he saw the ice cream before rushing out of the bush and brushed the leaves off himself.

"Oh nothing, accidentally tripped on a rock." The boy chuckled before taking the ice cream into his hand from his younger sister, he's planning on asking giyu about this later when he gets the chance.

End of flashback.

The ravenette realized that the noise he heard after his conversation with sanemi was tanjiro and he eavesdropped on their conversation, he knew that tanjiro was a very innocent boy and clueless to pick on things.

"It's really confusing me that you're a man but why does shinazugawa-san call you a female nickname?" The younger boy asked with a clueless smile on his face waiting for an answer.

"How about we stop talking for a little while." The man spoke out of the blue hoping tanjiro would listen to him and just.

"Oh! Okay!" The teenager nodded his head and immediately went back to eating his onigiri with an innocent clueless bright smile that was still plastered on his face while the ravenette just continued to work his magic with the steering wheel rethinking about his decisions and made a mental note on how he and sanemi shouldn't talk in public areas now.

1143 words


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