Whisper - 12

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The whole ride over, Levi is silent, occasionally reaching out to mess with the volume of his stereo, before resting his hand on the wheel again. Other than that, the entire atmosphere is still. He keeps the volume so low, the song is a mere murmur against the tired hum of the wheels droning in the small space between us.

I swallow out of reflex, but my mouth is dry. I don't have any words to say. Already I've learned so much about him, I've never felt closer to anyone before. I steal sideways glances at him as secretively as I can manage, holding back the part of me that wants to just outright stare. We're riding in an old green truck, the interior is completely clean, his windows aren't housing a single streak. If it weren't for the change in a small compartment in the front, I wouldn't think anyone drove it.

There were no CDs, no sunglasses, nothing tucked in the visors. It was just as empty as his house, void of personal taste and preference. I keep noticing it more and more. It's the first peculiar observation I've made of Levi's life, only second to that of his mother which is more of a mystery. I won't push that subject, hoping I'll understand in due time - on his time.

"What did you do?"

"What?" I blink at him, startled from my string of thoughts.

"You said you're grounded. Why?" He's so blunt, all the time. How did I never notice how he felt before? Am I blind?

"The school called my parents, after the locker was vandalized. The principal said that...oh." My eyes widen, and I remember what the principal had told me. Levi, was in cahoots, with Chelsea. He'd been the one to pin the blame on me. I just kissed him, twice. How can I be so stupid?

"Did you vandalize the locker?" The question is simple, but I take it as a hidden mind game. Does he want me to admit I did? Is he trying to find out if I know what he has done?


My answer comes out harsh, and void of emotion. My sudden attitude change puts the whole atmosphere of our car ride on edge. I can feel it, my anger pulsing like electricity from my body into the air.

"Did you tell them that you didn't do it?"


"Are you okay? Darcy, I thought we were past this, what aren't you telling me?" His voice is strained, as he squeezes the wheel.

"How can you just sit there and lie to my face?" I finally explode, he isn't the only one who is wrong. I'd made a critical error in my judgment, obviously.

"I haven't ever lied to you," exasperated, he slows down the car, and pulls over. "What the hell are you talking about? This is crazy."

"The principal said, that you were the one who said you saw me vandalizing Chelsea's locker. I know you want to see me fail, Levi, but isn't that a little low for you?"

"Chelsea? Who is she? What are you talking about?"

"Chelsea! The girl with the vandalized locker! The one you've been teaming up with. Don't try to lie your way out of this," I threaten. I can't handle any more lies right now, I'm fed up. All of this effort is exhausting, I shouldn't have to keep searching for the truth, it shouldn't be this hard to find.

"Munroe, you're crazy. I don't even know a girl named Chelsea," Levi snaps, breathing deeply to keep himself in check. He turns off the car and turns to look at me. His face is relaxed now, "Darcy, I wouldn't ever hurt you, on purpose or otherwise. I mean it."

I move to unbuckle my seat belt, but his hand finds my wrist and holds me back from doing so. "I can't handle any of this right now. I'm going to be late, and I'm already in enough trouble...thanks for the eggs, and the ride." I slip my other hand over to the fastener of the seatbelt, and pop it open with a push. I slip from his grasp and I'm out of the truck in one fluid motion.

I hear his door open, and slam shut as my feet start to pick up an even pace against the pavement. I don't look back, as Levi shouts for me to stop. I'm glad he gives up, because I don't hear him shouting anymore, and I can ease up on my pace. Two arms wrap around my waist from behind, and lift me up, so that I'm forced to stop running. I struggle against his grip, but he's too strong. He isn't even winded when he begins to speak, "Don't run away from me, I'm not going to let you go that easily. I hope you understand. I want you to listen to what I have to say, and if you still want to leave, I'll drive you home, and never bother you again."

My stomach plummets.

"Are you going to listen to me?"

"Yes," I whisper, wounded by how he  had pretty much just handled me like a child.

He lowers me down so that my feet rest on the ground again, I turn to look at him. A little sweat glistens on his face, but other than that, he looks fine. Inside, my chest is constricting, it's a lot of work running from someone like him.

He puts both hands on my shoulders, and holds me at arms length. "Look, Munroe - Darcy - I know I'm not the nicest guy, I haven't treated you half of the way you deserve. I guess, I never thought you could like me, and if the only way you would talk to me was if I made you angry, I was determined to keep you angry. I didn't like being that guy, but I was so desperate to talk to you. I went about it the wrong way, I know. I'm sorry."

I suck in a sharp breath, all this time, he just wanted to... talk to me?

"Which is why, I understand your belief in me is a little weak. I don't blame you. I'm not asking for much, I don't deserve to, but I am asking you to trust me when I say that whatever happened in that office, I had nothing to do with it." He looks at me, and I'm sure my expression is no more convinced than it was a few moments ago. I'm shell-shocked.

"Alright." I exhale, "I trust you." Levi's face is shrouded in relief, as his shoulders visibly sag and relax. I move closer to him, and press myself against him, wrapping my arms around his waist, and lean into his chest. His arms hesitate before wrapping around me and returning my hug.

"Does this mean you'll get back in the car before you give me a panic attack?" He murmurs into my hair.

I nod, relaxing into him, too tired to speak.

Started with a WhisperWhere stories live. Discover now