Whisper - 6

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Hey guys!

Sorry, I meant to update so much more this weekend, but tragedy called and I had to say goodbye to a very great man. It was a weekend like this that makes me realize how unfair life can really be, and that even if you're young, God can and will still call you home when it's your time to go. On top of that thought, I hate how the best of people get taken away from us at the most incovenient times.

So for that reason, this chapter is dedicated to my cousin Adam, he didn't lose his battle with cancer, rather he won and his reward is much greater than any materialistic or earthly gift that could ever be bestowed to him, he is given eternal peace and the gift of being able to let go. May he never suffer again, nor know pain or exhaustion from this day on.

I love you, and someday we will meet again.

 Sorry about my crazy ramble, I do it often enough you guys probably don't mind, but I really had to get it out. Anyway, comment, vote or do whatever else it is that you do!

How are you all spending your fourth of July?

Lemme know below!




                I went back to school the next day, and the first thing I noticed when I stepped through the doors was not my usual pest Levi, in fact it was the consistent whispering that seemed to grow only more prominent when I arrived. Eyes peered at me from behind curtains of hair, and voices lowered but hurried when I walked by.

                It seemed everyone had a secret, but no one was willing to share, and if it was about my nose which had gone from big to bigger, I wasn’t in any mood to hear it. Then again, if I was a cat, curiosity would have killed me the day after I was born.

                What bothered me most of all, was one leer in particular, Chelsea Firster’s glinting teeth stood out in the crowd. We are distant cousins of the most poisonous type, neither of us want anything to do with the other, in fact we aren’t even blood related. It is a relationship more intricate than a spider’s web, and it goes a little something like this: My grandfather, married her grandmother, and her mother and my mother hated each other, but set aside their differences and now expect us to do the same.

                Clearly, they don’t understand the complete and sincere severity of the situation at hand.

Ever since we’d been forced to play tea party together, Chelsea had been aiming to destroy my life, and I can’t say I’d done anything to sway her otherwise. “Darcy, is that a new trend? A nose that deflects the attention away from everything else on your disproportionate face? It’s really working for you,” she sneers across the hall, eyes in the form of slits like a snake’s. Her cronies giggle like the morons they are, but I still can’t help but feel intimidated.

Even if she was devoted to making me hate myself, she often didn’t do it publicly unless it was something worth the audience, like the time she made me read in front of the whole school while she feigned bronchitis and she knew I had and still do have powerful dyslexia. I turned the Gettysburg Address into a laughing matter, which it most definitely is not.

“What do you want Chelsea?” I grumble, not even in the slightest mood for her idiot worthy comments meant to upset me.

“Well, I heard about your broken nose,” she says without hesitation, she never danced around a subject for very long, but she loved a good lead up. Something to build anticipation, or in my case, dread.

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