Whisper - 3

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I don't like this chapter, it's just kind of something I threw together....well, it should be much better soon. I just need a few filler chapters. (:

Love, Sophia<3


                At the end of class, Mr. Berkley gave me an iron stare as he made a show by shoving the detention slip into my waiting hands. It was only detention. I wasn’t that worried about it. He seemed ecstatic to be giving it to me, as if it made his year and he had been itching to write a slip, which he probably had. The look of utter boredom on my face as he watched me stare at it blankly made him turn red. “Do you have anything to say, Miss Munroe?”  I pretended to ponder the question, but no, I think he pretty much covered it.

                “No, I don’t think so,” I said calmly with a shrug, and pivoted to leave the room.

                “I don’t like your attitude Miss Munroe,” he snapped, and within seconds I heard a ripping sound and he was in front of me, thrusting another piece of paper into my hands. “You’ve created a new record, I think. Detention Wednesday as well as today after school.”

                This time, keeping my mouth closed, I left. This was my last year, and I had learned long ago not to sweat the little stuff. Trudging down the hall, keeping my deadly and venomous thoughts to myself, I spotted Levi, I tried stuffing my slips into my pocket but his eyes were already narrowed in on them.

                As if the day couldn’t get any better, he actually walked up to me and smirked his aggravating little smirk, before opening his not so little mouth. “So, detention already Munroe? Well played.”

                “What can I say? I live on the edge,” he snorted at my remark, before leaning against the wall casually, in no rush to get to his next class, unlike me. The last thing I needed was a third detention.  I wrinkled my nose at the sight of him and walked away. I was sick of the insult foreplay he often threw at me on a daily basis, fourteen years and it tends to get a bit old.

                “Darcy stop!” He yelled, and I turned waiting for him to yell his next insult, but before I could react at the sound of the bell my face met a door and suddenly, the floor was at my back and the ceiling high above me, higher than usual. My vision was a little blurry, and my nose felt like it had split in two, and from the amount of blood pooling down my face it probably had been.

                “Darcy!” Landie was pulling me up and shoving a tissue into my face, she always carried a pack in her pocket, she didn’t even need them but apparently she foresaw what I did not. I cursed the day Levi Turner was born. This was his fault. Landie helped me drag my hopeless self to the nurse, and I sat patiently waiting for her to quit flirting with her boyfriend on the phone.  The blood hadn’t stopped pouring and a light headed sensation was filling my foggy concentration. I switched out the soaked tissue for a new one, stuffing it up to my nose and holding it tight even though the pain was excruciating, I was sure my face was so swollen that it could go unrecognized.

                “Are you feeling okay?” I looked up, dismayed that my eyes only met Levi’s. I attempted to scowl but my face hurt too much. “That was quite the spill.”

                “Really?” I said sarcastically, but it sounded strained more than anything. Thank you captain obvious, you are a genius. Violent thoughts were rolling like a runaway train through my head.

                “I tried to stop you…but you were adamant,” he said casually leaning in the doorway.  He was very comfortable, and his groin was free of protection. He should learn by now, not to get too comfortable around me. But lucky for him he was safe today; due to the fact any exertion was impossible at this point in time.    

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