Bisexual me

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Ive always been different. I never seemed to exactpy fit in just about anywhere i went. Even home. When i discovered i wasnt straight.l, At first i panicked. I kept thinking about parental approval. I thought that my parents would hate me. I decided to experiment to be sure of who i really was. I had found a connection with one girl and decided that she could be my girlfriend. We went out for four months. We did just about anything any other normal couple would do (with the exception of sexual things). I felt good good about the relationship. I really connected with her. Shes is currntly a lesbian with a girlfriend of her own. When we split up i went on to experiment with boys. I met one guy who shared just about the same interests as me. We had allot in common and he was very smart. We went out for the months and by the time the relationship was over, i realized that i was bi. I son learned to accept it because i knew deep down inside that I couldn't change who I was and that I would be like that forever. I made the decision to come out publically because i didn't care about what people thought of me. I was done not being happy and feeling stuck. When I came out, it felt like a huge boulder being lifted off of my shoulders. And I am happy that I did it

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