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I have always had a talent for getting alobgs woth others who were older than me. Throughout the school year that talent was extremely benifical to me. Lets start off with the principal. Katrina Foster has been my ear since day one. Whenever I would have a mental breakdown she would be there for me telling me that everything would be okay. She would always defend me if my dignity and integrity were questioned. Every quarter I would have to give her a presnlentation. The day after I would receive a letter complimenting me on the work that I did and explaining the information that she learned. Now to Ms. Keve. I met her when I was turning in my community service hours. I was so confused about the whole process ,and she sat me down and explained it to me. We were friends from that point foward. Everytime I saw her I would compliment her outfit so that she could feel good. On the last day of school she gave me a gift card that I could spend anywhere. She was a great friend to me. Next is Ms. Savage. Unfortunatly she lost her jobs due to budget cuts. Everyone loved her. She was so sweet to everyone and gave all the students and faculty the upmost respect. I loved her. She gave ne hope at the end of the day. Last but not we have the teachers. Mr. Hardy was the toughest class to earn an A in, which made me like it even more. He was funny but he made it his goal to prepare us for life even though he got on my very last words we had fun with him. Mr. Dickson was the easiest class to pass. He was always relaxed and o had fun with him despite the fact that he made me do projects that no one else had to do. Mr. DePeel was the jokester of the teachers. He always had something funny to say. He made me feel happy about my grades even when they didnt meet my expectations. Last but not least we have Ms. Hembd. She was my main supporter. She gave me great advice and she didnt treat me special like everyone else did. She had high expectations for me and made sure that I met all of them. I want to thank all of the adults who helped me through the school year. You guys rock!

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