Real or Fake?

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Friends. Some are real, others are not. I have had my share of fake friends. Those friends who stay with you when everything is good, but ditch you when the going gets tough. I also have real friends. Those friends that always are there no matter what. Thr ones you can call in the middle of the night knowing they gonna pick up. The friends that dont even fit into the friend category anymore because they're basically family to me. By now, if youve read all the way through, you should know that times have always been rough for me and that its hard to find the slightest bit of happiness. Those Real Friends give me that happiness. They know everything about me, they're able to make me laugh and smile and be happy for once. I know that if I'm in a fight, they gonna be there waiting for a bitch or a nigga to jump in, so they can do the same. Those friends that i know I'll be able to call 4 years in the future and be like wassup. Im happy to have an opportunity to have them types of friends, Well family. So to all my real friends -they know who they are- thanks for being there and always having my back

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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