Reality Check

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As usual around two in the morning Howie awoke, this time he wasn't alone. He had a sleeping beauty next to him, her hair extended over the pillow in waves like silk. Her bare body nestled against him, wrapped around the expensive satin sheets. Mason was moving around, whimpering as he looked for his pacifier. Howie sat up taking in the moment, like if it was a scene in a movie.

A beautiful woman and a baby in a play pen. He smiled, hovered over Mason and helped him find his pacifier, sticking it back into the sleepy baby's mouth.

Howie turned his attention back to Millie, and noticed that his phone was lighting up and moving around as it vibrated on the dresser. "Shit" he mumbled running over to check it, his stomach sinking as he saw the name flashing. He hesitated to answer, but flipped it open "Hello" he whispered, stepping out to the hallway and taking a seat.

"Hi...I almost didn't call, but I know it's become a habit to do so. I thought you might be waiting for me." Leigh giggled "I'm just kidding. So what did you do today?"

Who did I do today? Was the question she should have been asking.

"Oh AJ, his fiancé Millie and I took Mason to the zoo. He had a blast." he chuckled, recalling the enjoyable day.

"Sounds like some fun. So is she staying there with you and the baby?" she asked the line going silent as Howie remembered his earlier encounter with the sleeping girl. He smiled and answered softly "Yeah she's in the baby's room. That's why I'm whispering they are next door and I don't want to wake them" he lied, holding the phone in one hand and peaking through the door to make sure Millie was still asleep.

Millie shifted, and opened her eyes gradually when she felt the empty spot next to her. She looked around disoriented and then remembered what had happened as she felt the satiny sheets against her body. She sat up and noticed the hall light on. Imagining Howie downstairs making a bottle for the stirring child. "It's ok..." she whispered, putting on her undergarments and the shirt Howie had been wearing. Tip toeing over to Mason, she took him in her arms as she hummed and rocked him back and forth.

"You think this is going to work, Howard. Are you scared of trying again? I am. What if it doesn't work out again and we just end up hurting each other." The woman sounded sincere and he could hear the concern in her voice.

With a loud sigh he answered "I think that we should go for the plunge. Give it a try, we are married you know and well if it doesn't work we can..." his eyes grew wide as he saw Millie standing at the door, holding Mason in her arms. "" he fumbled with his words.

"What the fuck did you just say?" she whispered, not really giving him a chance to answer as she made her way back into the room.

Howie sprung up from the floor "Listen Leigh the baby is crying and he won't stop I'm going to have to call you later today. Ok...alright bye." he closed his phone and walked into the room. "Millie" he said dodging something that flew by his head.

"You asshole, fucking asshole." she flung another one of Mason's toys at Howie. "You liar....shit I fell for it all over again." she placed her hands over her face. "I can't believe you guys are really getting back together? You could have told me this BEFORE..."

Howie's heart was racing and his hands were clammy as he placed the phone back in his pocket. "Millie I was going to tell you. It's just that...I missed you and I...I got caught up in the moment." he looked down at the carpet.

"Caught up?" she laughed hysterically "Nice to know I'm just a moment to you. Poor Leigh...I'm guessing you didn't tell her you were just fucking me a couple of hours ago."

"Don't say know it's not like that." he snapped, then noticed that Mason stood in the playpen rubbing his eyes. "How about we get the baby back to bed and then we can talk." he made his way towards the baby.

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