Fall Again

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The next day Millie awoke to a small bundle nestled into her ribs, she smiled at the sight of the beautiful child peacefully asleep. Then noticed Howie fast asleep on the fancy recliner his arms crossed and his head slightly falling off the chair, the same faint snore that she had heard on their trip came from his agape mouth. She giggled, then shrieked when his eyes flew open, he busted into laughter as she smacked him.

"You scared the crap out of me." Just as she made way to the bathroom to wash her face the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" Howie ran down to open and found AJ standing with a basket in hand and a big smile.

"Ready?" they embraced "Is she here? Damn it smells out here" he looked around.

"Yup...and yup! She hurled all over me last night." he nodded, pressing his lips together and raising his eyebrows.

"Wow you have that effect on her huh? Hm...shows she's not over your betrayal." he entered chuckling and taking off his sunglasses he took a seat on the sofa.

Millie was feeling much better this morning. She had already washed her face and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Now she pulled on her jean skirt and t-shirt.

Mason cried as she came out of the bathroom and cradled him in her arms "Ok...smells like a dirty diaper huh?" She took him into his room, laying him on his changer. She carefully unlatched his diaper from the sides and gasped at the sight of the green poopie sitting in his diaper. She scrunched her nose at the whiff "Howie!" she shouted as she heaved, covering her nose and mouth at the same time.

A couple of seconds later Howie stood at the doorway trying to catch his breath "What? What happened?" he asked with concern all over his face. "Damn..." Coming close to the twosome, he moved his hand over his face trying to wave away the odor coming from Mason.

Heaving again she didn't say a word and ran off, bumping into AJ at the doorway, but she continued her way towards the bathroom. "Ouch!" AJ held his shoulder as he watched her run down the hall. "What's with the hurling?" he asked, gagging at the smell "Never mind..." he was a little concerned, he remembered the doctor saying that she would be fine no more than a week after. It was almost two weeks ago.

Howie stared at the small child that had found a toy and stuffed it in his mouth "How the hell does such awful smell come from a small butt. Tell me?" he held his nose as he pulled Mason's butt off the diaper and instructed AJ to take hold of the infested thing. He thanked God at the moment that he wasn't a father and didn't plan on it either. Something he liked about Leigh, they had agreed that there would be no kids any time soon.

"Why me? I'm a guest and I know squat about kids!" he caught a glare from Howie who said nothing, since he held his breath. "Fine" AJ carefully took the diaper from under Mason and held it from both ends like it was a bomb and with any wrong movement it would explode. "Now what?"

Taking a deep breath Howie pointed to the trash can beside him "Shove it into that shit...I've seen Kevin do it. Hurry damn it." he still held Mason's little butt in the air.

AJ stuffed the diaper deep into the hole that sucked up the diaper like a vacuum. "Oh hell no! No kids for me never...and if so I'm having someone change their shitty diapers." he looked at Howie who looked somewhat bothered by his situation "Well...clean him."

"How do you do that?" Howie looked around for a rag "This is like the mommy job."

"Well what does Kevin do next...after he puts the diaper in the thingie?"

"Uh...usually Mason already has a clean one on." he smiled sheepishly. "You know him, he's a pro..."

"Looks like he got a hang of the daddy thing quickly. You on the other hand...would...uh suck!" AJ began pretending to laugh, the guilt of not telling his best friend he had been pretty close to being one, bothered him. His thoughts came to an abrupt stop as he caught a menacing glare from Howie.

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