Betraying Desire

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A couple days after the LA concert Millie sat on the sofa reading a book "So dad, how long is this trip to New York going to be?" She closed her book as her father sat by her.

"It's a couple of weeks hon...but I'll keep in touch unlike your mother. I was thinking that you should stay with AJ for the while." he raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to jump at the chance to spend more time with him. He knew they had become close again.

"I don't think it's a good idea dad." she nodded her head "Anyways he's got three more stops. Then he's only coming back for a couple of days and leaving again." She gave her dad a crooked smile. "I'll be fine here alone in this rather big..." she was interrupted by her phone. "Hold on's Sarah...she's keeping me updated." she giggled answering the phone, as her dad disappeared down the hall. "Hello"

The bouncy voice responded "Hey bitch! What are you doing?" Sarah asked as she giggled and asked Nick to calm down.

"Oh nothing, talking to my dad...he's leaving tomorrow for New York. I hear you're doing good" she laughed as she heard the two lovebirds kissing and talking sweetly. "Ok you two are going to make me barf in a minute. So how are the shows going?"

"They are cool" she said goodbye to Nick "Ok they are AJ and Howie aren't speaking and if they do, it's just to argue all the time. Which leaves poor Leigh who is on this bus with all of us confused. She knows you're a whore..." Sarah laughed hard "Just kidding...but yeah she knows you screwed her man."

"Shut up! She's traveling with you guys, I thought touring with him was what made her leave in the first place."

Sarah sighed "It She said it's only for the remainder of summer, school does start in September."

"I can't believe she is there with him." Millie shifted her legs under her body and sat up straight "Tell me more..." She was intrigued by the gossip.

"Nothing. I heard them arguing the other day and she asked him. Yup, she bluntly asked and of course he! She knows though! She didn't know that I have a bionic ear.!" the line went silent "Don't worry she slept with some guy she was seeing so..."

Millie faked a laugh "You're such a nosy bitch! Well I have to help my dad but tell AJ I miss him and...yeah! I'll be at the airport Wednesday morning." She heard her friend say good bye and she hung up. Leigh knew. Now she could only hope that they wouldn't have to encounter each other anytime soon.

AJ bit into his French fry as he sat thinking of Millie, his thoughts interrupted by Nick and Sarah sitting next to him "Wow never seen you so pensive before AJ" Sarah said unwrapping her burger.

"Oh well Mill hasn't called me. I just worry about her." he smiled now, taking a sip of his coke.

"Well I just talked to her and she is good, her dad is leaving for New York tomorrow. She sounded ok and said she would meet us at the airport on Wednesday. I have a hunch that someone is in love." she raised her eyebrows with a smile at AJ. "Am I wrong?"

Nick looked at her confused and then at AJ "Wait what? Then why did you break off...OH!"

AJ smiled "I know...this is all my fault. All the pain and drama going on...but now I realize that...I...I love her. I love Millie!" he smiled, then frowned. "Sadly, she loves the asshole over there." he pointed towards Howie who sat with Leigh.

Nick chuckled "Hey is it me or does it seem like Leigh talks a lot. Every time I look at the poor guy, he's lost somewhere in outer space or Millie space and she's just blabbing away." the table laughed.

It was Wednesday morning and Millie paced the airport, she shivered, the mornings were getting colder by the day. She yanked her cashmere sweater over her shoulders and over her arms, covering her long sleeve V neck. She wiped her clammy hands on her black jeans and bent down to tie her shoes.

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