The Blues

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The next morning Millie entered the hospital ready to face the day. Her coworkers were startled at her new look, her hair had been straightened out, she wore a pair of black trousers, a bright pink silk blouse and a huge smile. "Morning" she beamed.

Benny rounded the corner, not looking as ready to face the day as Millie. "Lord...what happened to Millie?" she teased, removing her sunglasses. "Oh right! Prince Charming is coming today." she chuckled, pushing the elevator button "See you at lunch Mill..." she shouted, hopping into the box.

Howie sighed heavily as he looked out the small window, the wings of the plane cutting through the fluffy clouds. He felt a nudge against his shoulder. "I know that this interferes with your plans, but...we've got to find him." Brian tried to think of a reasonable statement.

"It's alright Brian...I don't think she's going anywhere...I hope she's not!" he gave his band mate a crooked smile "I just hope we can find him quick...what if it takes us all week? Who knows where in London his ass is?" he huffed with annoyance.

Their conversation was interrupted by Nick hovering over them " gonna eat your peanuts?" Brian rolled his eyes, amused at Nick's lack of worry, while Howie flung the small pack of peanuts at Nick's chest. "Thanks man..." he smiled like a child given candy and slouched back into his seat by Sarah.

"Why is he such a man-child?" Brian sighed as the twosome laughed.

Millie had passed up the chance to see Elijah, in the attempt to speak to Howie out of the hospital, if he showed. She had been pacing for the past forty five minutes of her lunch. Her stomach was growling. Her throat felt funny after she had tried smoking and which had caused her to break into a cough attack. Then she had taken turns sitting, pacing, humming, and lastly talking to random strangers.

She entered the hospital, borrowed the information phone and called up to Benny. "Are you sure? Maybe he slipped by...I must have hurt his feelings and he's not coming back Benny!" she sighed and hung up. She was disappointed in herself. If only she would have asked what he looked like before sending him away. Hadn't he said he would return everyday?

Full of sadness she headed back to her station, maybe he would come later in the evening. In case he didn't, she still had one more thing to look forward to today. Elijah, he would be happy to see her, just like he was everyday. Her frown turned to a smile and she busied herself with some paperwork.

The foursome had checked into their rooms and were now gathered in Brian's room. Nick surfed through the channels, but there was no word of AJ Mclean in London. "There's no news of him here, there's none out in California. Did the earth swallow him up?" Nick turned off the TV and flung himself on the bed.

"Who knows, we are going to have to check out the local clubs, bars, music studios...I don't know where else to look." Brian shrugged, already irritated.

Nick yawned "Tattoo parlors, goth hangouts, the mall, shoe stores, and maybe even a brothel or two. I hurt, man needs some ass." he shrugged as everyone looked at him funny. "I'm just saying..."

Howie sighed heavily, lately that was all he did "How about hotels...he has to be staying in one for now. He just came out here, no way he has a house lined up yet."

With long and tired faces the group of four headed out on the search for their lost member. They had a deadline to meet and finding AJ would be more difficult than they could imagine.

Nick and Sarah hit all the bars close to their hotel room, stopping to have a drink or two themselves. Chatting away with the friendly people they met on their search.

Brian checked the music studios he had found on google search, but so far had no luck in any of the three he had visited. All he could think about was that he would ring AJ's neck when he did find him.

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