Forgive Not Forget

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July had come and gone and the first week of August was here Millie had stayed away from everyone, except for AJ. He visited her occasionally and spent time with her, when her father wasn't around. They had agreed on never telling anyone for the time being, not Howie and especially not her mother, it wasn't like she would care anyways. She called the day of her wedding hoping for good luck from her daughter, but Millie didn't even bother speaking to her and found herself consoling her drunken father that night. Also missing Mason's one year birthday party that same weekend.

"So I heard you were in the hospital again with the vertigo thing. You should get some kind of check up. What if it's a big deal you know?" Sarah looked at her eyes wide with seriousness.

"I'm fine. I can't believe we are already in August..." She slowly folded her clothes and put them in a bag. "The summer is almost over, I'll be going back home soon." she looked out the window, noticing the children next door playing in their yard. She liked living with her father but her job and belongings were back in Orlando.

"I know...well lucky you got vacation time cause I'm still working." she smirked "Maybe you should stay out here with all of us. I mean most of the guys except for Howard haven't Oh!" she gave her a crooked smile, while Millie looked up at her with a pout "I'm sorry...that wasn't meant to bring up old feelings." she smiled as they made their way to the living room.

"Oh it's fine. I heard about...Leigh coming to visit him this summer." Sarah raised her eyebrows "Don't tell me you don't know cause you've been going out lately with Nick!"

"Anyways, that doesn't mean I know it all about them. Look you've been stressed so I don't want to add to it ok. I HEARD that you told the poor thing to fuck off...and now your upset cause he hasn't tried calling you. Well..."

Millie giggled "It was at the beginning and that was the least that he deserved. I made amends with AJ, so I think I should do it with him too. He's more innocent than AJ." they both nodded.

"Yeah that would be nice...I'm glad you're still going to baby-sit Mason for Kristen this weekend, we are going to Vegas baby!" she squealed at the thought. "Kristen, and Nick!" she sighed.

"Does this mean you're in love? I mean Vegas...don't go getting married now. Is Howie going to be at the house tonight?" she asked, hoping the answer would be 'yes' "I thought he and AJ were back to being friends? So I assumed he was staying with him now." she began chewing on her nails.

"Oh yeah they are back to being buds, but he is still staying with Kristen and Kevin. He'll be there tonight just while you get there...I think. Maybe it's a chance to hear him out and make up. We all know you guys love each other...just forgive the poor guy. Listen I have to go and finish packing" she squealed again, taking Millie's hands and giving them a squeeze. "Love ya and see you later." she kissed her cheek and exited the house.

"We'll see how this goes!" Millie mumbled, walking back to her bedroom.

Howie combed his hair and brushed his teeth at the same time. He knew Millie was coming tonight, it gave him a chance to try and make up for all his mistakes. She had been staying home, away from them for almost three weeks. They hadn't taken it personally, assuming it was to watch over her father, since her mother had married in the middle of July. He smiled at the thought of seeing her and looking into her big brown eyes. He buckled his belt and tucked in his polo shirt, whistling away as he now made his way downstairs.

"Hello guys!" he whistled as Kevin and Kristen gave each other looks and answered him in unison. "Where is the little man?" he asked looking around the kitchen, noticing Mason wasn't in his high chair.

Kristen smiled at his enthusiasm "He's napping right now, he's exhausted of doing nothing" she chuckled "Look at you..." she complimented him "I'm guessing you heard Millie is staying here this weekend?" he nodded "Well no funny stuff...I don't want Mason traumatized."

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