Chapter 11

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Karan's POV:

I treaded the familiar path through the school hallway, an invisible weight clung to my shoulders, casting a somber hue over the otherwise lively surroundings. The vibrant chatter around me seemed muffled, drowned out by the internal turmoil I carried.

If we are going to solve the madness of the world, we can start by respecting the human brain as an organic computer that works best with logic, emotion, creativity and self driven passion; though we have the capacity for random access memory, it is a poor way to educate and the reason our schools damage our innate genius capacities.

I wondered as the familiar click of my shoes against the linoleum echoed in the hallway. I sighed once again as I made my way to the mundane classroom.

Approaching my classroom door, the low hum of a conversation reached my ears. My bullies, Rahul and his cohort Kiran, were engaged in a hushed exchange.

"Dude, you should've seen the way they were confronted by Suresh sir," Kiran chuckled, the malicious glee evident in his voice.

My fists clenched involuntarily. They put us in trouble to make us look like bad guys.

'If you look more closely, you might as well be the impostor, Kan' my mind hissed.

I don't believe it. I answered back.

'How else would you justify everyone turning against you, including your best friend Jay? He wants to get rid of you, of course. You thought you could be the hero, while you've always been the villain'

I shook my head, trying to dispel the intrusive thoughts.

I wondered what Arav's true intentions were – if he didn't want to be with them, then why did he still follow them around?

"Ha, You bet! The flushed looks on their faces later on were all worth the show," Rahul added, relishing the moment.

"But, how did you execute it though?" Kiran asked curiously, eager for the juicy details.

I took a deep breath, my heartbeat quickening. I walked out of there and went to confront Jay about this. What else was he hiding?

'You think he'll tell you the truth? After all you've done is let him down?' my mind reminded, making me feel sick in the stomach.

The hallway, once bustling with activity, now became a silent witness to the brewing storm of emotions within me.

The hallway, once bustling with activity, now became a silent witness to the brewing storm of emotions within me

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"You can't be serious right now" Jay said.

Rows of cars stood in neat alignment, their metallic bodies glinting under the sunlight. The expansive lot, bordered by low shrubs and trees, buzzed with activity as students and faculty members navigated the maze of parking spaces.

The air carried a faint scent of exhaust mixed with the crispness of the surrounding greenery. The distant hum of engines and sporadic honks created a rhythmic backdrop, signaling the constant movement in and out of this vehicular hub.

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