« the case of ghostly garnish »

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Note: first off HAPPY MAKARSANKRANTI!!! so, i was planning to post this chapter when Second Chances hit 1k reads but, i was feeling a bit groovy and thought to post this chapter on 15 January [IST] since this story also starts on 15 January, 2004 (we're literally 20 years ahead in time) hope you'll like this chapter as much as i loved screaming, laughing and ofc, writing this chapter.

dedicated to Ablazeisaleo OnceUponALily itsOmniscient and GraveyardSiren for being my loyal readers and constantly supporting me through out this journey, this one's for you ;)

also dedicated to starisredy and RFNasua as special mentions, you guys deserve the love <3

let's begin! (regardless of where you've reached in this story, you can read this chapter as a standalone)


meet the crew:

» jay: king of sarcasm, master of code, master of mixing metaphors like a blender on acid. thinks caffeine is a personality trait and can probably debug your toaster with a glance.

» kan: sunshine personified, but with a hidden hurricane of sass waiting to unleash. talks to plants, wins dodgeball matches with glitter bombs, and can charm your socks off (literally, he's got sticky fingers).

» arav: the brooding artist, paints nightmares with a smile and writes poetry that punches you in the feels. avoid awkward silences with him, unless you want a sonnet about the lint collecting on your sweater.

» maya: tech genius with a mischievous glint in her eyes. can hack your phone with a paperclip and a witty quip. her laugh is louder than a keyboard smash, and her sass could outshine a disco ball.

» suresh sir: our resident PE teacher, sporting a whistle that could shatter glass and a comb-over defying gravity and logic. he thinks memes are hieroglyphics and emojis are "modern cave paintings," but somehow drops life lessons hotter than a volcano under a disco ball.

» edward: the resident ghost with a flair for the flamboyant and a ketchup fetish of epic proportions. he haunts the school kitchen, poltergeists sugar like nobody's business, and communicates through interpretive polka dancing (it's surprisingly clear, once you get the hang of it).

 » pi: the resident AI bot, a whirring, chirping ball of circuits with a popcorn obsession and a penchant for clownish antics. it throws digital confetti with reckless abandon, honks like a malfunctioning car horn, and has never met a meme it didn't want to share (usually at an inappropriate time).

» you: front-row witness to this technicolor circus, armed with popcorn and a front-seat view to the most hilariously bizarre gym class ever. prepare for ketchup-drenched chaos, pi's clowning escapades, and edward's polka-fueled pranks. This is PE with a punch-line, and you're the VIP guest with the best seat in the splattered bleachers. 


episode 1: twilight meets the SNK gym

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