Chapter 13

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Karan's POV:

"What do we have he- Oh my god, I didn't think this is how I am going to start my day,"

Suresh sir's eyes widened as he took in the sight of Jay, Rahul, and me standing in his office. His usual composed demeanor faltered for a moment, replaced by a mix of disbelief and exasperation.

He got up from his seat, closed the curtains, and locked the door, as if sealing the room from prying eyes and ears. The atmosphere grew tense, the weight of our actions hanging in the air.

We were screwed.

'I told you to not try and be a hero; look at what you got everyone into. It's your mess,' my mind reprimanded.

I scowled in return, the pain from the previous day's brawl still evident.

The room seemed to close in, the consequences of our impulsive actions becoming increasingly apparent. The air was thick with the unspoken repercussions that now demanded our attention.

Bandages crisscrossed my knuckles, and a small cut near my eyebrow served as a gritty reminder of the physical altercation in the parking lot. Every movement of my arm sent a twinge of pain.

Turning my attention to Jay, his usually confident stride now carried a subtle limp. The bandages on his hands, stark against his pale skin, hinted at the force he exerted during the scuffle. There was a quiet determination in his eyes, as if the physical pain only fueled his resolve.

Rahul, on the other hand, sported a bruised ego alongside his visible injuries. His swagger replaced by a cautious demeanor, he seemed less certain, almost vulnerable. The bandages on his hands mirrored ours.

"Now, anyone's going to tell me what the heck were you guys actually up to, or should I ring your parents?" Suresh asked, his voice low and menacing.

The dimly lit office seemed to close in as we faced the consequences of our actions. Suresh's stern gaze swept over our bandaged figures, his disappointment palpable.

"He's been bullying us for four years for no particular reason at all, and the moment we fight back, we are suddenly the bad guys?" Jay stated furiously, his voice carrying the weight of years of frustration.

"You guys never reported it," Suresh shrugged it off with nonchalance.

"Never reported it? Yeah, sure sir, we never came running to you with clear signs of bruises and marks, and yet you decided to do nothing," I said, rage boiling inside me.

'Tsk, hold it in.'

"Ha! Look at you twats trying to fight for justice. Even the school knows you guys are a waste of space. Save for the fact your parents pity you and pay your fees on time. You guys have no right to be in a pristine place like SNK."

"You-" I started, clenching my fists and aiming for his face.

"Don't, Kan," Jay held me back with his stronger hand.

"Aw, being protective of your little boy, huh?" Rahul cooed teasingly.

"If you guys don't stop fighting, I might actually call the police here. Stop being such idiots and tell the truth," Suresh snapped, making us all startled and frozen in our places.

"Well, truth be told, we confronted Rahul about the missing cases and also happened to claim the long remaining revenge," Jay gritted through his bruised jaw. His gums were weak due to internal bleeding.

Crap, we went too far.

'You had one person on your side; now Jay will never talk to you.'

I would trade anything right now to switch my mind off.

Second Chances | A Teen Fic Dystopian TaleWhere stories live. Discover now