Chapter 31

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Timeline: Early 2000's

Riddhi's POV:

Except, I wasn't.

The lady in front of me really who I suspected her to be.

I am going to get her good.

I crouched low behind a dusty, old sedan, its paint chipped and peeling. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing the fear of being discovered. The narrow alley was dimly lit, the glow from the streetlamps casting long, eerie shadows that danced across the cobblestones.

The woman ahead moved with a purposeful stride, her heels clicking against the pavement, oblivious to my presence.

I ducked behind one of the parked cars, peering through the gaps to keep an eye on her. I had to be careful. If she saw me, it would all be over.

The building wasn't exactly abandoned, but it certainly wasn't bustling either. There were a few people milling about, engaged in hushed conversations or buried in their work. It was easy to blend in if you knew how to act natural, which was precisely what I intended to do.

I peeked again slowly, ensuring she had resumed her path. She was heading towards her office, its façade worn and unassuming.

One wrong move and I would be busted.

I straightened up, casually mingling with a small group of people exiting the building. I kept my eyes trained on her, making sure to stay a safe distance behind.

She moved with purpose, her bag clutched tightly against her side. Each step she took, I mirrored her movements, keeping a steady pace without drawing attention to myself.

The lobby was dimly lit, with flickering fluorescent lights casting eerie shadows on the walls. A security guard sat behind a desk, but he seemed more interested in his crossword puzzle than in monitoring the people passing by.

Good. That made my job easier.

She entered the building, and I waited a few moments before following. My hands were clammy, and I wiped them on my jeans, trying to steady my nerves.

The building's lobby was dimly lit, the flickering fluorescent lights casting an unsettling glow. I slipped inside, careful to stay out of sight.

The elevator doors were closing just as I reached them, but I managed to slip through at the last second. My heart raced as I pressed myself against the wall, praying she wouldn't turn around.

The ride was agonizingly slow, each floor passing by with a soft ding. When we finally reached the third floor, she stepped out and followed at a safe distance.

The corridor was silent, the only sound being the soft hum of the fluorescent lights. She turned a corner, and I waited a few seconds before peeking around the edge.

Her cabin door was slightly ajar, the light inside casting a sliver of illumination into the hallway. I crept closer, my footsteps barely audible on the worn carpet. As I neared the door, I could hear her talking, her voice low and urgent. I strained to catch every word, my curiosity piqued.

Peering through the crack in the door, I saw her seated at a desk, papers strewn everywhere. She was on her PC, her expression serious.

I couldn't make out much of the conversation, but I heard enough to know I was on the right track. She was hiding something, and I was determined to find out what it was.

Slipping away as silently as I had arrived, I retraced my steps, my mind racing with possibilities. She would never know I had been there, but I had what I came for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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