Chapter 1

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Karan's POV:

I feel broken, shattered & even unloved at times. The very people I craft my life on are the ones who break it, making me feel lifeless. Sometimes, I wish to end it all - the pain, but I know I have greater reasons to live. 'I'll fight for it' I keep saying; but how long can you break before you're finally shattered?

Caged in my own world of madness, reality isn't real anymore and dreams, just mere hopes to live on. A curse, a mistake is what I feel like; surviving another day just to buy some memories. But in the end, I have no one but darkness to befriend. Darkness that seeps into my soul like my only help until it clutches the life and I bleed pain all over again.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the unmistakable voice of Jayant sliced through the quiet classroom.

"Dude, you're still here? Get out before I have to come over and force you to it," Jayant's mischievous grin glimmered as he playfully threatened.

I knew better than to defy his threats. I closed my journal and stuffed it into my worn backpack. I joined him with my tiffin clutched tightly just in case those people decided to shove it out of my hands.

The one time I wasn't careful, they "accidentally" pushed me and half of the tiffin was spilled on the floor. I didn't hear the other end of the worker's rant as I informed her of the incident.

We walked to our usual place; who knew staircases could hold so many moments?

"Hey, where do you get lost?!"

"I'm right here," I murmured, my words carrying the weight of unspoken burdens and lingering shadows that danced on the edge of my consciousness.

"I don't feel so," Jayant's piercing gaze bore into mine, unravelling the intricacies of my guarded emotions with relentless precision.

A flicker of a smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I finally found a way to dismantle this, "What do you feel? Do you think you're talking to my ghost right now?"

Laughter erupted between us, momentarily shattering the oppressive silence that threatened to drown me.

It didn't last for long. Each cackle felt like burning knives down my throat; my skin feeling aghast from the foreign feeling. A silent admonishment echoed through the chambers of my mind, a relentless whisper of self-reproach that gnawed at the fragile fragments of my tattered resolve.

'You're not supposed to be happy' my inner voice retorted, reminding me of the shackles of perpetual desolation it had held me into.

My gaze drifted towards his raven-black locks around his chiseled features. The contrast of his dark tresses against the stark canvas of our shared reality was a fleeting moment of solace, a respite amidst the relentless storm that raged within me. As my vision traced the intricate contours of his hair, each strand seemed to weave a tapestry of enigmatic depths that lurked beneath the surface of his seemingly carefree demeanor.

How can one be so happy?
'You can only wish, not that you'd ever find it'

I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palm as I sought to anchor myself amidst the turbulent emotions. But it was too late — Jayant had already got a glimpse of my inner turmoil.

"Are you okay?" His sharp gaze bore into my soul, unwavering in its quest to unravel the labyrinth of emotions that I struggled to contain. It was as if he sought to unwrap my mind and shield me from the relentless tempest that threatened to consume me whole.

"I'm fine," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper.

'You're completely okay and good. Stop being such a hypocrite or else you'll scare him away too. Its three years Karan, you should know how to control your feelings, or best, how to hide them. Stop acting so pitiful.'

I diverted my attention to the lunch before us, its flavors lost amidst my chaotic psyche.

"Fine, huh?" Jay's scrutinizing gaze lingered for a moment longer before conceding to the façade of normalcy that veiled my inner turmoil.

"You're an idiot," he quipped playfully, mischief glinting his eyes as he pulled me up with an unwavering determination.

I allowed myself to be led, my feet barely able to keep pace with his enthusiasm as we navigated through the corridors recklessly.

Ms. Keerthi mam's bewildered gaze bore down at our impulsive escapade from her lecture.

"Jay!" I exhaled, my breath catching in my throat as we finally reached the first floor, our hasty retreat leaving a trail of disarray in its wake.

"I already know what you're going to say — I saw her, too and no, we're not going back," Jayant said with a resolute tone daring me to argue despite his unwavering conviction.

"Just follow along. No more 'buts,'" he asserted.

And so, we abandoned the confines of the boring class in favor of the unknown, the faint echoes of disapproving whispers trailing behind us as we went along whims of a mischievous spirit that refused to be tethered by the shackles of convention.

Jay thrust the basketball into my hands, his eyes alight with a renewed sense of purpose as he beckoned me to join him for a match after two runs around the court.

Minutes stretched into hours as we circled the court, the rhythmic thud of the ball echoing against the wild breeze. Sweat beaded on my brow as I shot the last goal into the basketball ring.

"Your ghost's gone?" Jayant's voice cut through the stillness, its soothing timbre laced with genuine concern that resonated within the very core of my being.

I nodded, the weight of unspoken gratitude settling over me like a comforting shroud as I basked in the reassurance of his unwavering presence.

"You're really crazy," Jayant teased, his eyes glinting with mischief.

"If I'm that crazy, why do you even put up with me?" I queried, seeking to unravel the enigma that was Jayant's unwavering devotion.

"Because you're my idiot," he declared while patting my back.

A smile tugged at the edge of my lips, its presence a faint echo of the carefree spirit that I yearned to embody, a distant mirage that shimmered just beyond the reach of my fingertips.

"Shall we return then?" I posed the question, my voice devoid of its former desolation as it was now infused with a tentative spark of optimism.

He glared in my direction without a response. The contours of his face and the luminosity of his gaze enveloped me in an intriguing enigma drawing me to the depths of his unwavering presence.

The wind played with the trees and birds sang their melody. It was all too magical. Time ran at its own sweet pace as nature unfolded its mystic forms.

Burn the memories down the lane,
before life plays its strings again

The first chapter is finally here, yay! Another painful and mind messing chapter, i know i am evil like that xD This chapter had a lot many inspirations, from works that are up here now or were previously.

What do you think of the characters so far? Thoughts, opinions, rants? xD

The reason why this story already has some reads, comments and views is because I had tried to write it before but, I couldn't do it. Now, since I am challenging myself to NaNoWriMo, I am trying to push myself as much as I can, sometimes even taking help of ChatGPT (oops, i am caught cheating!) but, most of it is original, I struggle to put descriptions and yeah- you get it.

AND this chapter is dedicated to the loveliest and the most precious, who has been constantly supporting me through this journey, y'll need to check out her NaNoWriMo story, "A Touch of Fate" too! Its really worth the read :P

Feel free to leave votes, comments and loads of love!

breaks and cranes,
Sara <3

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