Chapter 8

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Karan's POV:

Timeline of Events - 2006

The school corridors, once buzzing with casual conversations, now echoed with hushed whispers and sidelong glances. Students exchanged speculative looks, casting wary eyes toward me and Jay.

Amidst the hushed whispers and sideways glances, rumors reached our ears like distorted echoes.

Students avoided direct confrontation, but their muttered conversations in the corridors painted a picture of suspicion that was difficult to ignore.

"I heard Jay and Karan were involved in something serious. Like, really serious."

"Yeah, and Arav disappeared because of them. There's some shady stuff going on."

At home, the worries followed us like haunting shadows. Our parents, oblivious to the intricacies of our clandestine investigation, were caught in the crossfire of our silent turmoil.

Dinner conversations became stilted, the unspoken weight of our shared secret stifling the easy camaraderie that once defined our family dynamics.

"Have you noticed the change in Jay and Karan lately? It's like they're carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders," Jay's dad whispered to mine one evening.

"They used to be so carefree. Now, it's like they're afraid of something," my dad replied, his brows furrowed in concern.

And in the midst of it all, the rumors reached the faculty lounge. Hushed voices during staff meetings added another layer to the growing mystery.

"Have you heard about Jay and Karan? Something's not right with those two."

"They were such good students. What could have possibly gone wrong?"

As Jay and I navigated this web of speculation, the air crackled with unresolved tension. Every interaction, even with our closest friends, carried an unspoken weight.

"Guys, you've been acting strange. What's going on?" Archita Mam asked, her gaze lingering on us after class.

"It's just... personal stuff. Nothing to worry about," Jay replied, his attempt at reassurance falling flat.

The threads of the mystery were weaving a complicated tapestry, and with each passing day, the knots tightened, leaving us suspended in the uncertainty of our own making.

Despite the mounting pressure, Arav remained elusive, his absence becoming a silent testament to the mystery that enveloped us. The once inseparable trio now stood at the precipice of an unknown abyss, our unity fractured by the unrelenting force of circumstances.

 The once inseparable trio now stood at the precipice of an unknown abyss, our unity fractured by the unrelenting force of circumstances

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Jay, usually the pillar of stoicism, had adopted a coping mechanism I couldn't quite fathom. He threw himself into basketball practice with an intensity that bordered on obsession.

The rhythmic bounce of the ball echoed the unspoken rhythm of our grief. I watched from the sidelines, understanding his need for an outlet but unable to bridge the gap between us.

"Come on, Kan. Join me. It'll help take your mind off things," Jay would say, a forced smile masking the turmoil in his eyes.

I nodded, grateful for his attempt at normalcy, and joined in, our shared passion for the sport creating a brief respite from the enigma that consumed our thoughts.

Our evenings turned into a ritual of park walks, the rhythmic crunch of leaves beneath our feet offering a strangely calming cadence to our troubled minds. Jay, ever the silent companion, seemed lost in his own thoughts. I sensed his struggle, the unspoken weight he carried alongside the burden of our shared grief.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that mirrored the mysteries we sought to unravel, Jay finally broke the silence

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One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that mirrored the mysteries we sought to unravel, Jay finally broke the silence.

"Kan, we can't keep avoiding this. Arav is out there, lost and alone. We need to find out what happened."

His words hung in the air, and I felt the weight of our shared responsibility settle over us like a heavy shroud.

Jay's gaze drifted towards an old bookshelf, a seemingly forgotten corner of our hangout spot beneath the banyan tree. As if guided by an unseen force, he reached for a dusty, neglected volume.

A faint rustle of paper caught our attention as Jay uncovered a hidden compartment within the shelf. Inside, a weathered envelope lay, bearing Arav's name in faded ink. Jay's eyes met mine, and the unspoken understanding between us deepened.

Our journey into the labyrinth of secrets continued, sparked not only by our determination but also by the discovery of a concealed note, leading us into the heart of our own mystery.

its so hard to move on,
when i wish for it all to stop
but, i must go bravely on,
and make my way to the top.


We are now tracing the backdrop to the events to add more depth and substance to the story and how it all began.

It may feel disconnecting to how things were from before, but, it will all make sense in the end, i promise.

Also, what could've been the reason for a hidden note, and there's an underground library sort of thing here, just- no one really gets to know its there till they get in. Jay and Kan knew it, but, they didn't bother checking it, or giving it much importance until they actually started with the investigation :D

Also, i know, the quote at the end may not make a connection to story, its more for a reflection of personal events in my life here than anywhere else.. but- like, it will make sense too, eventually ;)

Feel free to leave loads of suggestions and feedback <3

Feel free to leave loads of suggestions and feedback <3

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