Chapter 3

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^ This is how Yahoo messenger used to look like

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^ This is how Yahoo messenger used to look like.

Karan's POV:

"For a whole damn year?"
"Kan, we're not having this conversation" Jay mumbled, his eyes silently pleaded, struggling against the wail of shrouded secrets.
"But, the important question is, how does a person, including their family just disappear off the face of earth? Its like, they disappeared into thin air!"
"I don't know the entire story either but, its better to not talk about it. I'm feeling uneasy just thinking about it. It's like we weren't on talking terms for almost a week and then, poof! He's nowhere to be found! It could have something to do with his online friends... stubborn ass, didn't listen to me when I warned him," Jay admitted, frustration clenched in his fists.

I had to do a double take and re-evaluate Jay's demeanor. This wasn't the Jay I knew.

Arav disappeared over a year ago, seemingly due to some grudge he held against us. But why would he involve his family? Was there a larger piece of the puzzle I was missing? Something Jay knew but was reluctant to share?

Too good to be true? You just haven't known me yet!

Jay's usual punchline stung, and for the first time, it triggered an unsettling doubt within me. Could there be more layers to Jay's persona than he was willing to reveal? What was he concealing behind that mask of nonchalance and humor?

The mystery surrounding Arav's sudden vanishing act had cast a shadow over our lives, enveloping us in a veil of secrecy that our parents seemed eager to maintain. Their hushed whispers and evasive explanations about Arav's departure felt increasingly inadequate and contrived as I delved deeper into the enigma.

What were they hiding, and why were they so determined to keep us in the dark? The questions swirled in my mind, each one fueling a growing sense of urgency to uncover the truth lurking beneath the surface.

"Sorry, I was just dealing with something," Jay's voice cut through my inner monologue.
"Huh?" I snapped out of my reverie, trying to understand why Jay was apologizing when he had done nothing wrong.
"Nothing.. really" Jay sighed, looking at me contemplatively, his mind still clearly preoccupied.

'Great! you had one chance at making him feel better by saying something nice. That's exactly why he hasn't told you about his discoveries.' my mind jeered.

I ignored my inner critic and put my arm around his shoulders, a gesture of comfort he readily accepted. Jay leaned into my embrace as we both gazed at the mundane school walls. Students hustled past us, preparing for their lab period after lunch. I glanced at our half-eaten lunch boxes. I had brought chapati and mung dal; he had thepla and curd with cumin seeds.

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