34. So Say It

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".. and do you have to have to have to- and I cannot stress this enough- have to! Take into account how this alters over time. The beauty standards were once total androgyny between both men and women. At the time referred to as 'hermaphrodites' being the peak human, modeled and built in several marble statues with visible features from both sexes.

"These bodies are soft and fluid in stature, creating a strong differentiation between this art style and the previous before reverting once again with the Olympic spirit of manly man with wide muscles and strong facial features. This will be on the midterm!" My art history professor raises her voice, slightly stressed from the upcoming exams, just the same as anyone taking the test.

The last couple classes have been a lot more challenging in terms of project content and time management but I keep my head on straight with each day, knowing I can proceed with this major and my increasing interest with these aspects of photography that I learn through my lessons. Even the art classes peak my interest though my math and English class will always be the most annoying core subjects that I have to take for no reason.

I head home, readying my room for Maya's visit with quickness.

The past few weeks have still been teasing and exploring but we haven't had the chance to strip down to nothing to relearn each other's bodies like we did much more often before this semester started.

I still lack experience and only know my body to some extent so everything still feels new when Maya is the one to do it and I want to give her the same experience as I could when we were fresh in that part of our sex lives. I know she's frustrated since I'm frustrated. Even if she has a way to relieve herself, she's clearly let me know that being with me feels better and that she craves me late at night when I hear her through the phone, softly talking her through it like I know she loves. Rarely, I let her talk me through my cravings when I can't take it anymore.

Its not that we can't do anything. It's just too risky with her parents not working late for the last of winter and some. And my Dad is always home with his honey lately so I don't want to make things any more awkward than it already could be if they hear her through the walls. Or me, for that matter.

This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I had my own place. Then I remember how much I love my dad and how much time I missed with him and all the responsibilities that come with having a place and paying for it and I'm back to normal. Like Maya, I'd rather keep being the baby of the house.

But! Fortunately, my dad is leaving for a work trip and that means I have the place to myself all weekend. Plus, I have two days off from work so I reserved every bit of time this weekend to be near her.

With a knock on the door breaking me from my thoughts, I rush towards my love, letting her into the house as quickly as I can.

"Hey baby." She throws her arms around my hips and stuffs her face in my chest. "Hi Avery." She mumbles into my shirt.

"You hungry or anything?" I quickly ask her, bringing her inside and helping her with her bag.

"Yes, thank you." She pulls me down for a kiss, arms locking around my neck while mine circles her hips.

Our tongues mingle and she smiles, her fingers slipping between my fresh retwist to touch on my head and neck. She pulls back with the same smile on her face, eyes bouncing around my features.

"You look good... so prandsome mi amor." She brushes her thumb across my bottom lip so I roll my eyes and give her another peck before going to the kitchen to serve her the dinner I already prepared. One that's my fathers recipe.

"Oh lobster mac? Okay baby, spoil me." She murmurs, cracking her knuckles before washing her hands and readying herself at the table.

I laugh, bringing her dinner and preparing a bowl for myself, enjoying her face while she moans into the flavors of the food. Blowing up my ego, I give her seconds and we cuddle on the couch, watching tv in the comfort of my home without any fear of interruptions as I drift my hands across her back and ass with complete confidence and contentment in my actions.

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