2: Restrained and helpless

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Noah was slowly regaining consciousness. The heaviness in his head made him groan and hiss, though it turned out to be a pounding headache. He tore his eyelids open, only to be met by the dazzling single bulb on the roof. He recoiled and winced at the pain in his wrist as he tried to bring it into view but failed, realizing he was tied up, both legs and hands. He started panicking, his gaze wandering all around the dark room, unable to spot a bug, only a huge horizontal iron bar lying in the center with cupboards.

"Mum!" he yelled, "MARK! EMERY! ANTONIO! Somebody help!" he called out again. Sweat pinched and burned against his forehead and body.

"I don't like this prank! Stop!" he continued to scream while kicking and gritting his teeth. He didn't stop until he was weary and hungry. The room was dark and smelled like moss and mushrooms. He held on tightly to his wrist while biting his lips.

"I'll surely sue Mum for this. Is this how she thinks she'll teach me a lesson by locking me up in the basement?"

"MUM!" he yelled one last time, "I HATE YOU, I SWEAR TO GOD."

Hours went by, and he could feel it, but he just couldn't tell for how long he was confined. The last memory he had was of his mother's teary eyes after he had refused the hug and nonchalantly told her off. He rolled his eyes as he felt guilt wash over him. And he thought to himself, She always cries, alone, during the night, on the phone, while reading, in her room, while taking a shower, while eating, and while laughing! She was very irritating! Ever since he died!

He bit his lip in anger and decided to cool off. Maybe she'll come to him, and he can backlash!

Three days later...

Noah grunted while struggling to keep sane after so long without water or food. He was hungry and very thirsty. At that point, he remembered God and prayed for death to embrace him. He had pleaded, screamed, and cried, but no one would show up. He slowly understood that his mother would never do such a thing; she loved him too much for that, and he painfully knew it.

"Mum, help. Please," he muttered with a hoarse voice with the little strength he had left. Maybe if he had eaten breakfast before leaving he wouldn't be so hungry.

A door creaked open from a distance not far from his head, but he was too exhausted to react. Two huge boots were coming into view, and a hand grabbed a chunk of his hair. He screamed, but not a sound came out. He was worn and dying from hunger and dehydration.

He made eye contact with a piercing gray stare against a pale-skinned face and muttered, "You," weakly.

"You're not resistant," the strange man said, allowing Noah's head to drop.

"Why?" he slurred while panting.

"Don't be in a hurry, Noah," the man replied in a monotonous voice. Noah's heart skipped. How did he know my name?

His vision went black at once, and he was back to unconsciousness...

In his dream, Antonio forced him to jump off a cliff. As he obeyed for fun, he found the height increasing and was frightened. He screamed and kicked in the air before hitting the water.

Noah jerked awake as the bucket of water was emptied on him. He was thrown into a fit of violent coughs, choking on water that got into his nostrils.

"That's enough," the huge man said to him while tossing the bucket that landed heavily on the other side of the room. Then he sat on a chair with his arms crossed causing his muscles to bulge.

Noah discovered that he was free again, with his hands and legs untied, but he was too weak and starving. "My mother would pay, just ask. But let me go," Noah said to him through coughs.

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