7: Depression

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The boys noticed Noah's reserved behavior. He often spoke to himself and was stuck with the novel Avgustin had lent him. He barely spoke and would sometimes starve himself for reasons they could not explain. They all expected a messed-up rich kid, but they got a ghost in return. He often gazed at the horizon and got lost in his thoughts while staring. He was distracted during lectures and practice. Even during meals, he seemed distant, and breakfast was the worst. It felt like he was a zombie, and the boys feared that he had caught some deadly virus in the environment, but Avgustin had assured them that he was very healthy at least physically.

It was one of those days when winter was slowly passing by like the number of days on the calendar that Noah sat behind the cabin with a simple chore, cutting the log in two with the ax. He was at 2 when tiredness washed through his body, and he had to pause. It was a mere 2 minutes rest that turned into 15 minutes just staring at the horizon and daydreaming.

Dhakirah and Brown watched from a distance while hauling newly cut logs.

"Do you think he'll be done before Avgustin gets back?" Dhakirah asked Browne, who shook his head in response.

"He is just a pet, he doesn't know the lifestyle yet," Browne said as they watched him.

"He would be in trouble again. We should tell him to get started already," Dhakirah suggested while stepping forward, but Browne grabbed his hand.

"Stay put," he said. "Let's see how rich Noie would do. He would be in so much trouble with Avgustin, who is already getting fed up with his behavior," Browne smirked.

Dhak shrugged. "Why can't we just help him this time?"

Browne furrowed his brows at Dhakirah. "Well, Dhakirah, my friend, he would only boast and get us in trouble as well. He might end up lying that we delayed him, and some shit," Browne proudly justified.

Dhakirah nodded in understanding, having been convinced. "Maybe." He muttered while watching Noah.

"Yeah. What about Raf?" Browne hauled the last log on their side.

Dhakirah leaned closer. "Taking a smoke. Avgustin must never find out," he whispered with a smile.

"Right. What an addict. His little session with Mr. Yaroslav last month would be a warm up compared to his next."

The boys both retreated to the house. Noah still zoned out and was engrossed in the days when he used to have good meals and an internet connection. The days he stayed under his blanket with Emery by his side while his mother would ring his phone.

"Emery," he muttered to himself.

"Your time is up." A voice said to his face. He was long gone and did not hear. Until a slap snapped him from his realms of pleasures. He quickly stepped back when he saw Avgustin's strong features towering over him. He glanced at his work, and nothing was done. He was frustrated by the work he had been doing, mopping, washing, packing, and tidying, even though they were the least exhausting work. He was exhausted by it and would like to let the world know.

"What justifies this failure?" Avgustin pressed on.

Noah just shrugged while grabbing his cheek that stung.

"Words," Avgustin locked the space between them, and Noah glared at the ground.

"Well then, Noah," Avgustin frowned at the youngster who didn't seem to react a bit.

Avgustin grabbed his bicep firmly and pulled him away while reaching for a rope along the way. He dragged him to the woods and further. Noah could barely keep up with his steps; he stumbled and groaned in pain as they went deeper. Dried branches scratched his arms and face while he got dragged like a thief. How shameful? For a boy who is the only heir of a very rich family.

Avgustin finally stopped in front of a large hole in the ice, more like an opening someone had done on a frozen lake.

"Stripe," he ordered. Noah cringed and took a step back. Avgustin had a hawk grip on his arm so he couldn't step farther. He could only glare at the teenager who shivered under his hold and continued to prolong the punishment. "NOW!" Avgustin barked, baring his canines in the process. Noah was slightly intimidated and began to get out of his clothes under Avgustin's watch. The cold weather did his bare skin no good; all his scars were exposed, creeping from the back of his thighs to his upper back, now with scabs. Noah wrapped a hand around his body, trying to warm himself up. Without warning, Avgustin placed the rope around his neck before shoving him into the hole, down the lake where he landed with a splash in the cold water.

Noah didn't see it coming, so he panicked. He tried to swim to the surface, but the cold made his muscles numb. However, he pushed and kicked his legs, finally making it to the surface by gripping the rope around his neck. He kept his head above the freezing water, he coughed and choked on the water while holding on to the rope. He didn't fail to notice the rope was fastened to a large tree at the end of the frozen lake, and Avgustin was gone.

"Help!" He screamed at the top of his lungs voice cracking as the water did no good for his body, and he couldn't keep floating for eternity. Worst! What if there was a wild beast lurking around? Noah felt helpless at that point, and he wanted to give up. He wished he was courageous enough to let go and drown. He was encouraged by the fact that he must meet his mother again, one day. He must meet her alive, and he must ask her forgiveness for all his wrongdoings. He caused her a lot of pain, and he could only see that now as the cold sank into his skin and his limbs grew weaker. Every breath he drew felt heavy and icy. He was freezing to death!

Noah kept forcing himself to hold on to the rope, not letting go, not even for a second, for that felt like an eternity. Even if he let go, he would die from strangulation because the rope was short and had a hold around his throat. The water became numb on his skin so were the muscles in his body. I can't do this. I bet he has forgotten that he left me here, or maybe he left me to die.

He swallowed a chunk of air as his hand began losing grip. "Mum, I'm so sorry." he quaked. With his last strength, he tried to hold on but it felt harder than it seemed. Then he regretted not participating in school sports activities but rather spent his time on food, drinks, and drugs. Finally, he let go and dropped back into the water, muscles numb and unable to struggle. On getting to the limit of the rope he felt a tightness around his neck choking him to death he couldn't pull himself back up through the rope, the water was dark so he couldn't see, when he thought it was over and his body grew weaker under the lake, a tug on the rope brought him out of the water and firm arms pulled him by the arm to the ground. Pressure was applied to his chest and he was back to life, coughing up water and gasping for air. When he was done he started sobbing in pain and anguish shaking from cold and shame. He felt like his dignity was stolen and the world was mocking his weakness and vulnerability.

"Dress up, we're not done," Avgustin said as he tossed a towel at him. Noah refused to get up as he was still recovering from his near-death experience, but after a short reflection, he decided to obey the instructions and try to stay out of trouble again. He dried up and slipped back his black cargo pants and the black tee shirt that oversized him. He staggered behind Avgustin weak and hungry. The sky had grown darker and the air was even chilly.

They were back to his first task, the logs still like he left them, "finish up, and you can come inside. You have till morning." Avgustin said to him. He was so exhausted that he couldn't speak without coughing, not to mention lifting an ax.

Just kill me already! He mentally screamed while reaching for the ax.

Avgustin tossed a large cover at him before leaving. Noah watched the front door click shut, and the warm lights behind the window did him no good. He wished he was behind doors, in his own home, with his mother. The women he had disrespected the most. He wished dearly to call her and pour his heart out to her.

The air got colder and the sky grew darker Noah hauled the ax high above his head and struck the log with all the anger in his chest, the log split in half at a go and he stepped back to recollect his strength. With small pants and whiffs.

The night would be long, and maybe my last, as a wild beast won't hesitate to feast on a vulnerable boy out in the cold night carrying out some stupid tasks.


Hiya, Hope you loved this chapter, drop your comments it helps me to better structure the story.

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