22: Unspoken Fears

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As the relentless sun ascended into the sky, casting an unforgiving heat upon the laboring boys, a collective groan echoed through the air. Each one silently bore the weight of their tasks, drenched in sweat and adorned with burns earned through relentless toil. The atmosphere was thick with a sense of weariness and discontent.

Under the scorching sun, the boys dedicated themselves to various tasks, each contributing to the collective effort, their faces etched with the strain of continuous labor. The morning had stretched into a seemingly endless expanse of exertion, and grumpiness lingered among them like an unwelcome companion.

Avgustin's stringent orders had left no room for respite, demanding that the work be completed as a unified team. The absence of breakfast only added to their shared frustration, intensifying the sense of exhaustion and hunger.

Evan and Ethan, stationed across from Noah and Browne, engaged in a whispered discussion that announced trouble.

Noah kept himself to his tasks, knowing how picky Avgustin could be, and since the incident, everything had gotten worse. Avgustin was more watchful of him, and every day he was met with very harsh treatment regardless of his state, and no mercy was reserved for him.

"What if we break into his office to get some sip?" Evan offered in a whisper, but Noah caught the words.

"Yeah, buh, if we can get rid of Dhakirah that would be great," Ethan added.

"Let's do it," Browne said beside Noah.

Noah stared at the three boys, feeling sorry for them. Avgustin would definitely find out—he always does—and they would be up for a bloody show.

"What are you staring at?" Evan half yelled. Noah silently returned to his work, avoiding all conflicts with the boys. He knew Evan and Ethan were bad news from the first day; they were rude, had tattoos, and talked about how they lived on drugs and partied and wished to return. Noah knew by instinct that they must be rich, just like himself.

In a covert maneuver, the group of boys skillfully slipped away from the relentless toil of the working ground. Left with no alternative, Noah took it upon himself to single-handedly complete their tasks. In the blink of an eye, the daunting job was miraculously finished, and Noah, Dhakirah, Vincent, and Rafael convened beneath the sprawling branches of a colossal tree.

The tree was a majestic giant, playing the role of a benevolent guardian. Its expansive canopy acted as an umbrella that shielded the quartet from the oppressive heat. A gentle wind, like a harbinger of relief, whispered through the leaves, bringing a refreshing breeze to the gathering.

In the cool shade, the boys shared a lunch of sandwiches as they observed their finished work under the sun. Soon they were joined by their peers, who had also managed to sneak away from the laborious tasks to an adventure that would soon bring hell down on them. The trio wore smug expressions, a subtle acknowledgment of the cunning escape and the satisfaction that accompanied the completed labor.

"Where have you been?" Dhakirah frowned slightly at them.

"Getting rid of the weeds," Evan replied while reaching for some bread in the basket.

"Yeah," Browne confirmed while copying Evan's action.

Dhakirah let it slip with no proof whatsoever.


As night descended, casting its darkening veil over the camp, the weary boys concluded their daily activities. Returning to the shelter, each one diligently cleaned up, preparing to bring an end to the day's endeavors. Rafael, taking on the role of the day's chef, prepared dinner.

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