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Why is everyone in christmas mood from mid november on until shortly after christmas? Way too early. The christmas market is too big, too bright, too loud and too full. It's hard to find a way to avoid it. Blaine always walks around it, even tho he might have to walk longer.

And so often Blaine gets lost in his thoughts, thinking about everything and nothing and trying to decide if it's worth going to a café or out in general with all that christmas mood in the air. But today he really fancies a good coffee from a café instead the one he makes at home.

He'll just hop into the store and buy a few things he needs for dinner still. Then he'll get a coffee to go and take the quickest way around the christmas market home to correct some exams they took before the holidays.

His thoughts are interrupted when someone runs into him. Or did he ran into him? Doesn't matter. "Oh sorry" the man apologizes. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking" Blaine also apologizes. The man who he ran into is quite handsome. Chestnut brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He shortly smiles at Blaine before continuing his way. Blaine returns the smile and also continues his way.


Kurt wonders. They are the only ones in that street. People are at home, with their family or at the christmas market with friends. Most people are somewhere in company now. He's only out because his charger doesn't work anymore. Just like that. So Kurt quickly decided to hop outside and get a new one. But what does this other man do alone outside?

Now that Kurt has a new charger he thinks about rewarding himself with a coffee. A delicious coffee before he has to go to some read through rehersals later today. Around the corner is a café that would be nice. He just has to ignore the christmas music and decoration somehow.

The café is only slightly busy when he comes and gets in line to order. A tall man in a hurry rushes past him and makes him stumble to the front a step or two into the man in front of him. What is it today with him and bumping into people? But when the man in front of him turns around Kurt is surprised. Thick, dark brown, curly hair and eyes like honey. It's the man from earlier. The one he ran into the first time.

"You again? Are you following me?" the stranger asks and laughs but Kurt quickly shakes his head "Sorry. People are in christmas rush. No damn time to watch where they're going". "Not a big fan of christmas huh?" the stranger asks and the other man immediatly shakes his head "Not at all. You?". "I hate christmas" the man answers with a nod.

"I'm Blaine. Blaine Anderson. Good to found a person who's likeminded" the stranger, Blaine, says and extends his hand. "Kurt Hummel. Likewise" the chestnut haired man says and shakes the other mans hand. "Do you have some time? I could buy you a coffee. I think it's nice to finally talk to someone who doesn't like christmas as well. Sounds good?" Blaine proposes. Kurt nods "Sounds awesome actually".


For the next two hours the two new found friends talk. Talk about how much they hate this time of the year so much and ranting about everything and everyone. But then Kurt looks at his phone "I need to go. I still have rehersals. It was really nice talking to you".

"Aww too bad. We had such a good time" the other man answers and short handed Kurt suggests "Give me you number and we can talk about meeting again". They quickly exchange numbers and Blaine decides to walk Kurt out "Rehersals?". "Yeah. I'm an actor" Kurt answers "And you?". "I'm a teacher" Blaine answers short but with a smile "Middle School".

"Other than you your students must be exited for christmas" the chestnut haired man notices and Blaine nods "I can fake it until the holidays if I have to. Actor. Impressive. How old exactly are you?". They both know their in their mid twenty's but until now it didn't matter to them how old exactly. Now Blaine is interested.

"25. I got my first little role on broadway after graduating from NYADA. Now I got the role of the best friend of the lead and we're starting rehersals slowly with a few more read throughs in between. How old are you?" the chestnut haired man asks. "27. I went to NYU and got a spot in a middle school almost immediatly after graduating" the other man tells.

"That's cool" Kurt say "Now I'd love to talk more but I really have to go". "Yeah. Sure. It was really nice meeting you" the curly haired says "I text you". They wave goodbye and part. Blaine goes home and Kurt to rehersals, arriving just in time.

Practice started about a week ago but they wanted to have some rehersals already before getting days off for the holidays. After that they have one more read through and continue rehersing. The very same day in the evening Blaine sends Kurt a text, asking if they want to meet again tomorrow in the café at 1. Within a few moments Kurt answers that he would love to but at 2 because he has practice tomorrow. Just like that they planned on meeting again.


When tomorrow comes Kurt arrives at the café five minutes early. He can't explain why but he's exited to see Blaine again. Blaine seems to be just as exited because when Kurt arrives Blaine is already there and waits for him. "Hi. Sorry. I hope you're not waiting for too long" Kurt says but the other man laughs "No it's fine. We're both a little early".

"It's freezing. Should we go in?" the chestnut haired man asks and the other man agrees "Yeah. I need a hot coffee now". They laugh as they enter and both men order their coffee. As soon as they found a good spot and got their orders they sit down. It's pretty crowded. Probably all the people warming up from being on the christmas market too long.

Those people open the first topic to talk about for the new found friends. People enjoying the christmas market. They don't talk about why they hate christmas so much. It just seemed unimportant and they have a lot of other topics to talk about.

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