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TW: Mentions of alcohol addiction and character death

Day after day Kurt and Blaine talk. They meet, have coffee, lunch or whatever. They talk on the phone when they are at home and almost constantly text each other. Morning, night, at work, in their breaks, before bed. Pretty much all the time. By now they not only rant about christmas but talk about everything and nothing, getting to know each other more and more and becoming closer with each passing day.

"Hey. I got the pizza and the popcorn" Blaine says when he enters Kurts apartment. "I've got the movie and something to drink" the chestnut haired man greets as he lets the friend in. He closes the door behind Blaine and they go in the living room where two soda cans stand ready and the movie is already waiting for them.

While eating the two friends watch the movie. More or less. They spend a lot of time secretly looking at each other but if they don't do that they watch the movie. It's just a little hard to concentrate when sitting so close together on that couch. Their knees are almost touching but not quite. Kurt finds it hard to believe that he met Blaine only two weeks ago and already developed feelings. Strong feelings.

If only he knew that Blaine feels the same way about Kurt. He knows it's not easy for him to find friends and keep in touch and to trust people but with Kurt this all seems easy. Natural. Not even only the becoming friends part. But it feels so good. Still both men can't bring themselves to tell each other about these feelings.

"You know I never really told you why I hate christmas so much" Blaine starts once the movie is over and Kurt agrees "I never told you either. I guess it never came up". "It's kinda personal so it felt wrong mentioning it the first time we met and after that it just didn't seem important" the curly haired man says. "We can tell each other now" he then proposes. Kurt nods "If it's getting personal on both sides what do you think about some tea and chocolate to prepare ourselves for some heavy deep talk". "Sounds good" Blaine laughs but it's the sad kind of laugh. What happened to that stunning man? Kurt thinks to himself. "Can I start? I sorta just want to get it out" he asks and the other man nods "Of course".

"Okay so" the older man starts "My family isn't a great family. My parents and christmas weren't really a good combination. We never cooked or baked cookies. We ordered food. Most of the time we didn't even had a tree or we had one but it wasn't really decorated with love. My mom always worked and my dad drank. A lot. On christmas like a hole. It made me hate christmas and I was glad when I fianlly moved out but I couldn't find joy in christmas anymore".

"I'm so sorry that you grew up like that Blaine. I can totally understand that you can't enjoy christmas anymore" Kurt says and supportingly takes Blaines hand. By now they are close and their knees are touching. In front of them on the table are two mugs of tea and a lot of chocolate. "Thanks" Blaine mumbles and then clears his throat "Your turn".

"Okay uhm. So" the chestnut haired man takes a deep breath "My mom had breast cancer, fought it and it came back again. Stronger. She still tried to fight and do chemotherapy but she got really weak. She didn't had a chance. She died five years ago six days before christmas". The tears burn in Kurts eyes but he doesn't care. He lets them float freely when Blaine takes him in his arms and hugs him tightly. It's okay. He can cry.

"I'm really sorry for your loss Kurt" Blaine whispers. It's a standard phrase that Kurt normally hates but it sounds different coming from Blaine. The silence is comfortable so Blaine doesn't dare to speak louder. "My dad, her and I were really close. I guess that cancer has that affect on families. Christmas was my moms favorite holiday and she didn't get a last one anymore and I just feel like I can't really enjoy it anymore without her" Kurt sniffs.

"How about you tell me where your tea is and I make us some more. You put on another movie and we spend a nice evening together. Sounds good?" the curly haired man proposes. "Sounds good. The tea is in the cubboard over the sink" Kurt answers.

While Blaine makes tea Kurt gets a big comforter for them and searches for a funny movie to watch to lighten both of their moods after the deep talk they just had. They are both happy after this talk. They know they can trust each other and sharing something like thiswas kind of a big step but they feel good, relieved in some way.

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