Cuddles And Cookies

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The next day Blaine makes breakfast for them and when Kurt has to go to practice Blaine goes home. Before he does he has to do some grocery shopping so he has food and everything else he needs at home for christmas. A lot of people do the same and it feels like ages until Blaine is finally out of the store and stands in front of his apartment door.

Only then he realizes that he forgot his keys. At Kurts. Who's at practice now. With a sign he turns around and drives back to Kurts. Feeling like an intruder he takes the emergency key from under the plant pot and goes in. He closes the door behind him and takes a look around. He's alone. It's quiet. And hey there are his keys. The fell from his bag.

"Hello?" a voice calls from the door. It takes Blaine by surprise. It's Kurts voice. Kurt who must think that a stranger broke in or something. Kurt doesn't know he's here. "It#s me. Blaine" he yells back and runs to the door "I'm sorry Kurt. I realized that I left my keys here and I was in the store so I didn't immediatly noticed and you weren't home so I took your emergency key to search for my keys. I'm sorry I should've told you". Blaine stops and looks confused when Kurt suddenly starts to laugh.

"What?" he asks with a raised eyebrow and Kurt answers "You were rambling. You#re cute when you ramble". "You're not mad at me?" the curly haired man asks and Kurt answers "Of course I'm not mad at you for forgetting your keys. Could happen to me too". "Okay good" Blaine says relieved and smiles at the other man.

Now that that's settled Blaine closes the gap between him and Kurt and kisses him. "Hey" he says and Kurt answers "Hey". Another kiss. "I was thinking during practice. How about you spend christmas here? We have groceries and we both don't really celebrate. Instead of seeing people in christmas mood when visiting each other we can simply stay here. Besides with you christmas seems okay. I still don't really feel it but I also don't feel as crappy as usually that time around. We can have our own little christmas. In a way we're both comfortable you know?" Kurt proposes.

For a moment Blaine is quiet. He doesn't really have to think about it but this time Kurt was rambling and Blaine just needs the moment to not start laughing and collect himself "I like that idea. Let's spend the christmas time togheter. We can still decide if and how we celebrate". "I just need to go home to get some more stuff" he adds. "Take my emergency key with you so you come in. I have to make a phone call with the cast, producer and our sponsor who wants to wish us happy holidays and I want to shower" Kurt says and kisses his boyfriends cheek.

The curly haired man nods and leaves with his keys and Kurts. When Blaine left Kurt gets ready for the phone call and through it as fast as possible. He needs time to get something. He has the perfect idea, hoping that Blaine will like it. He also finally hops under the shower when he comes home again. The second Blaine comes in Kurt is done. Only his hair is still a little wet. "I'm back" Blaine announces as if it's something he does every day. Coming home to his boyfriend after being at work or shopping and annoucing he's home again. It feels natural. To them both. It's perfect. Kurt smiles and comes to the door to greet him "Hi".

"I had this idea. You said you never baked cookies with your family and your eyes started to shine when you told me that your students gave you the cookies they made so I thought we bake cookies. I got everything we need from the store quickly" Kurt says and again he can see the light in Blaines eyes "I like that idea. Thank you". He kisses Kurt with a smile on both of their lips.

"I also got a tiny fake christmas tree. I don't know if that was okay for you. It's tiny and fake and if we don't want it we can put it away again but I thought at least it's something" Kurt continues. He didn't knew if Blaine wanted a christmas tree but it was just so cute and small that Kurt couldn't resist. Blaine just smiles and kisses Kurts nose "Okay let me see". Blaine sees the tree on the window frame and hears how Kurt tells it was to cute for him to resist. He has to admit it does look kinda cute so he approves it.

"I'll let you unpack now. Just put your stuff in the closet whereever you can find some space left. I unpack your groceries and the rest of mine. Then we bake" the younger man proposes. He kisses his boyfriend and goes to the kitchen to pack everything away.

They both unpack and put on comfortable clothes before starting to bake the cookies and listening to music. Blaine agreed to listen to Kurts playlist that has basically every genre in it but the man really likes Kurts taste in music. While the cookies bake they also start to prepare dinner. They make a simple curry and as a dessert there will be cookies.

"We baked way to many cookies" Blaine laughs when they sit down in the living room after dinner. The little christmas tree by the window looks just big enough to not put all the attention to it but still be seen. Perfect for them both. "Nope. Just enough. I'll send my dad some and we eat some and they will be gone faster than you know it" Kurt answers with a smile and kisses his boyfriend before takeing a cookie and cuddling against him.

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