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After practice Kurt goes to the store to buy some stuff for when Blaine comes over. He cooks for them, cleans the living room and fixes his hair. So much better than yesterday. He has enough time since today is a long day at school and Blaine only comes in the early evening.

He admires Blaines passion. Teaching is like acting, singing and dancing to Kurt. The only problem is that they had a lot of school work before the holidays and Blaine is determined to correct them all before the holidays to give them back before the holidays and not let the students wait until after the holidays. Kurt could only wish that the teachers back then did the same. He spend holidays wondering about grades he didn't got back. Even tho he hates christmas Blaine wants to celebrate a little with the students and play games and stuff instead of having classes.

Finally the door bell rings and Kurt runs to the door. "Hey" he greets with a wide smile and Blaine smiles back "Hi". The curly haired man comes in and as always takes off his jacket and shoes. "Smells delicious" he says and Kurt answers "Lasagna". "Awesome" Blaine grins.

While they eat both men talk about their days. Kurt tells Blaine about practice and the progress they made as a cast but that he still has to practice some lines. Blaine offers to help him over the holidays since he don't have to correct any papers if he does it before the holidays start. Blaine tells Kurt about his day too. About how the kids told him what they do on christmas this year and him nodding along and struggling when the kids asked him what he would do on christmas.

The men finish eating and go to the living room. Kurt puts on some music as a background noise and then joins Blaine on the couch. It's time to talk. The talk. They can do it. Like Burt said they are adults and not 16 anymore.

"Can I start?" Kurt asks and the other man nods wordlessly. "I like you Blaine. I really like you. More than just a friend. I think I started liking you when we ran into each other" the younger tells "I talked to my dad yesterday and he said that I act like a teenager because I was too afraid to tell you because I don't know how you feel. Then he said that I should talk to you and ask so ahm do you like me back by any chance?".

When Blaine is sure that Kurt is done talking he takes the mans hand in his and locks their fingers "Love at first sight hm? I never believed in it. Some sort of wonder or the magic of christmas but with you all of it is true. I immediatly fell for you and I feel so comfortable around you that I can hardly find words to describe that". He breathes in and out, in again and leans in to kiss Kurt softly and with so much thought. A kiss that should tell Kurt how he feels.

"If we both feel like this for the other does that mean we're now officially in a relationship?" the chestnut haired man asks with an unsure laugh but Blaine just smiles reasuringly and answers "I would love to have you as my boyfriend". "I would love that too" Kurt says and leans in again for yet anotherkiss. Again. Longer. More intense. Still so soft.

For another while they just sit there and liss and cuddle. Like, well, like teenagers who can't get enough of each other. Then Blaine sees the time. "Kurt it's late. I still have papers to correct for tomorrow" he says and the other man pouts "Do you have the papers with you?". "Yes why?" the older asks. "Stay. There's still dessert. Well simple chocolate and vanilla pudding but still. Correct the papers here" Kurt proposes.

"Okay. I stay" Blaine says "I just get my stuff from my bag". He stands up and goes to his stuff to get the papers and pens from his bag to bring it to the living room. In the meantime Kurt goes back to the kitchen and gets them both some coffee and dessert. Once the coffee is done he sits down next to Blaine and takes out his script. While Blaine corrects paper he can use the time and go through some scenes that he still finds a little hard.

"So we're both working now?" the curly haired man asks and Kurt nods "Yes and after that we can continue where we stopped before you really have to leave". "Sounds like a plan" Blaine says and then takes the red pen and the first paper from the stack to correct it. If Kurt would have to guess he'd say the stack has about 20 tests to grade.


It's pretty late when Blaine finally finishes the last paper and leans back with a heavy sigh "Okay. That's it. I'm done and I'm tired". "You look tired" Kurt agrees "Stay? Over night? I know you have classes tomorrow so I understand if you want to go home". "How about this: I go home now. Tomorrow is the last day which means students don't have much classes and the teachers have a little christmas party too. After that I come over and spend the night" the curly haired man proposes. "Okay" Kurt sighs "Ten more minutes?". "Ten more minutes" Blaine answers. He wraps his arms around Kurts stomach and leans back so they cuddle on the couch again.


When it's finally time Kurt brings Blaine to the door. "I call you tomorrow after work" Blaine says. "And after that christmas party" Kurt adds "Try to enjoy it even tho it's a christmas party". "I would love to take you with me" Blaine says and Kurt finishes "But I'll still be at the theatre and reherse". He wraps his arms around Blaines neck, pulls him closer and kisses him. "Okay see you tomorrow" Blaine says and peeks Kurts lips again before turning around to go home.

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