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One year later

It's Christmas time again. The year was wonderful l. The show was a huge hit on Broadway, playing for 7 months. Now Kurt is already engaged in the next play, starting rehearsals after new year and being one of the leads. In between he played a little role off Broadway.

I'm September Blaine officially moved in with Kurts. They spend a lot of time at each other's apartments and even got the keys and in august Kurt asked Blaine to move in with him. His apartment is more central than Blaines and also bigger so Blaine of course accepted. Only good things came from that. Like last year the couple avoids the Christmas market. Yes they celebrate Christmas a time bit but they still hate the big stuff. Christmas market is one of them.

This year they got a real christmas tree. A small one that barely reaches Kurts hip but the put it in the corner of the living room with a few decorations and lights but never too much. They started earlier on the cookie baking so this year Blaine can bring gis students some as a thank you for last year and the ones Kurt send his father arrive before christmas this time.

Last year they celebrated kinda spontaneous but this year they could plan everything a little. They even agreed on christmas presents. Small ones. Nothing big and nothing expensive.

This year they also make fruit punch themselves but just like last year they cook together. They love cooking together even tho sometimes they can't when Blaine has to stay long at school for meetings or Kurts rehersals go on longer than expected but when they can they cook together.


On Elizas death day Kurt stays home. Blaine already made coffee and breakfast. He puts handkerchifs on the table in the living room and writes a note that they will cuddle later and that he loves him. He kisses Kurt on the cheek goodbye but let's him sleep and leaves for work.

Kurt smiles when he sees what Blaine did. He eats the breakfast but then still takes the coffee to the couch to eat that whole cup ice cream. Like always he calls his dad when he has a break and they talk until the break is over again. After that he continues watching Christmas movies. The ones his mom loved. About an hour after the phone call Blaine comes back from work. He doesn't lose much time to come home. Bag down, jacket and shoes off.

He doesn't bother changing or anything and instead just goes to the living room to sit down next to his boyfriend. Kurt is crying when Blaine walks in so he immediatly takes him in his arms. He let's him cry, comforts him and stays with him. Later that day he cooks a quick dinner for them both and they eat on the couch. They rarely do but this is one of the days where it's okay.

At night Blaine helps Kurt to bed. The younger is already half asleep and even tho Kurt haven't said much today he whispers "I love you" and "Goodnight" when Blaine covers him up. "I love you too now get some sleep baby" Blaine whispers back and kisses his forehead. Then he goes back to the living room and quickly cleans up before he gets ready for bed and cuddles next to Kurt.


They help each other with work. Correcting papers, preparing classes, planing a christmas party for the students on Blaines side. This time Kurt will go with Blaine to the teachers party and after Blaines students found out that he has a boyfriend, the one with the delicious cookies, Blaine promised that Kurt comes with him to the christmas party for the students. Learning lines, songs, notes and steps of choreograpies on Kurts side. They always help each other but as last year Blaine wants to correct all papers before the holidays.


On christmas eve they cook together and exchange presents. Kurt got Blaine the sequel to the book he finished and liked so much. Blaine got Kurt a picture frame with his favorite picture of them. They watch Gilmore Girls and then go to bed to end this beautiful day in an even more perfect way. If someone would've told them that they would celebrate christmas again they would've laughed.

This time Kurt doesn't have to reschedule the call with his dad and Blaine feels really comfortable from the beginning. He talks to Burt easily as if they know each other for years and it's already one year. Wow.

After that they get another call. Or more Blaine gets a all. His mom wants to call for a quick hello and merry christmas. Maybe she just wanted to be nice but in the background Blaine could hear his drunk father again. He hangs up and immediatly he's in abad mood. Like last year Kurt gives Blaine the space he needs and comforts him in ways he can and anytime Blaine acts out he apologizes and gives his boyfriend a kiss. Maybe one day it'll be okay for both of them.


Three years later

One and a half years ago Blaine proposed to Kurt after the opening night of a play where Kurt played the first lead. Blaine was the most supportive boyfriend ever. He helped him learn everything and helped him practice stuff at home. He sometimes came with him to rehersals and watched him. When Kurt came home late he cooked and they cuddled together before going to bed.

A bit more than a year ago they got married. Only with a few people. Family and their closest friends. For the honeymoon they booked a flight and a five star hotel in Buenos Aires but only for four days because Kurt got rehersals again. The next play already. He's really popular and gets a lot of offers for plays.

Once again Elizas death day is a weekday so Blaine prepares everything for Kurt before kissing him goodbye and leaving for work. The younger is thankful for his boyfriends thoughtful actions and for the comfort he gives once he's home again. Like always they call Burt in his break and they talk. Other than the years before Burt will spend christmas in New York. In two days he'll be there so they talk a little longer to talk about the details.

Blaine is in a bad mood the day Burt lands. Burt has been in New York before and he has met Blaine several times by now but he never met him when Blaine had the day. Kurt picks his dad up from the airport and Blaine stays home and cleans a little more, preparing everything for when their guest arrives. While doing so he tries to calm down and stay grounded. Kurt prepares Burt when they make their way back to the apartment. Bad day, bad mood, the snapping but also the apologizing. The man just waves it off, saying he'll understand and they will try to make it work.

Blaine tries to behave well that day but spends the night having a bad dream and a hard time falling back asleep so Kurt stays up with him. They cuddle and Kurt lets Blaine rant as much as he likes. By now he's just glad that Blaine opens up and talks about it. It's ranting but it's talking. Progress.

They bake cookies together and Blaine takes a few of them with him to work when he goes back to Lima.

On christmas eve they all cook together and exchange gifts. Again nothing big. The christmas tree in the corner of the living room is a bit taller than last year and the year before. The decorations are still decent but they make a progress.

The happily married couple introduces Burt to their own little christmas traditions. Two days after christmas Burt has to go back to Lima but he promises to come back next year.

Oh what a wonderful christmas it was.

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