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Time passes too fast in Kurts opinion because one day he wakes up, feeling in his body which day it is even before he could check the date. He wants to be alone. Blaine has to work, he already texted Kurt good morning. The older man only has a few more days of school left but they don't mind. Today it's probably for the better.

Kurt lays in bed a little longer than usual. He canceled practice for today and called in sick. In the noon he finally decides to get up and eat something. He doesn't bother to change and instead just sits down in the living room with a bowl of cereals and a coffee. His dad should have a break at work now.

"Dad. Hi" Kurt says once the other man picked up the phone. "Hey kiddo. I just wanted to call you. How are you?" the man asks and Kurt sighs "I've been better. Feels like this big missing part. You're doing okay?". "As okay as I can today. Any plans for today?" Burt asks and his son shakes his head before he realizes that the other man can't see him. He can't lie to his dad. He never could "Nope. I'm at home like the past years".

"Lucky you. But promise me to go out again tomorrow. Staying home is fine for today but you have to do something tomorrow" Burt says. He's right, Kurt knows that. "I have rehersals tomorrow so I have to go out and in the evening Blaine comes over and we watch Friends or something" Kurt tells. "You're doing a lot with this Blaine lately. You two are friends or is there more between the two of you?" his father says and even tho he can't see him Kurt knows that his father raised an eyebrow.

But he can't lie to him so he sighs "I know that he's gay too. He mentioned that and I really like him but I don't know about his feelings". "Did you tell him that you like him?" Burt asks and his son laughs "Am I crazy?!". "Kurt you're not 16 anymore. Be honest with him and if he likes you back good for you. If not he's not worth it or you at least can stay friends" the man advices.

"Now get your ice cream and second cup of coffee, put on that movie like every year and think of her. And of me. And if you want to talk to Blaine maybe he can cheer you up? I know you want to be alone but then at least send him a text and tell him you're looking forward to tomorrow. I have to hang up now" Burt says "I love you son". "I love you too dad" Kurt answers and ends the call. His dad is the best.

Like Burt said Kurt gets himself another coffee and vanilla ice cream. He wraps himself in a comforter and starts his moms favorite christmas movie. The only christmas-y thing he does. A christmas carol. They always watched it together. Since his mom is gone he watches it alone. He also knows that after work his father will order pizza, open a beer and do the same.


Just like that the hours pass and in the afternoon Kurt is in the middle of Kevin alone at home. His mom liked that movie too. The ice cream is empty by now and instead of coffee Kurt switched to water and tea. He's still wrapped in a comforter and wears his pyjama just like his hair is undone.

The doorbell rings. Who can it be? He told everyone he's sick. No one should come by. Maybe it's the post man? He can just leave it in front of the door or give it to a neighbour. He will pick it up tomorrow but he also doesn't remember ordering anything. He won't stand up. Now this someone at the door knocks. Kurt doesn't move. It knocks again. Louder this time. Then a voice is calling for him "Kurt?". It's Blaines voice. What is he doing here? "Kurt it's me. Blaine. Can you please open the door? Or else I have to start searching for an emergency key" Blaine says. He won't leave so Kurt jumps up to open the door.

Quickly he opens the door and faces the curly haired man. He doesn't say anything and just looks at the other man who honestly looks a bit surprised that Kurt actualy opened up. "I really thought I have to search for that key now" the man admits and laughs nervously "Where would that have been? Just so I know next time it's an emergency and I need it?". "Under the pot there" Kurt answers and points to the plant next to his door.

"What are you doing here Blaine?" Kurt then asks and the questioned man shrugs "I just wanted to see how you are. Today. I know you wanted to be alone but I just thought maybe it couldn't hurt if I come over and look after you. Also I bring cookies with me. My students made them in home ed class and gave them to me". "That's nice of you and your students" Kurt says with a faint smile. Then he sighs and signs the other man to come in.

They go in the living room after Blaine took off his shoes and jacket. That's when it hits Kurt. Blaie comes from school, from work. His hair is done and he wears a carefully put together outfit. He brought cookies. Kurt wears his pyjama, his hair stands up in all different directions and the living room table looks like a mess. Everything is a mess and Blaine is right in there looking perfect. "Sorry for all fo this" Kuirt apologizes but the other man waves it off "It's fine Kurt. How are you?". "Been better but okay I guess. I watched her favorite movies" Kurt answers. "And ate a whole cup ice cream" Blaine adds with a charmant smile and even Kurt has to laugh at that "Guilty".

"Isn't that Kevin alone at home?" Blaine asks when both sit down on the couch. The chestnut haired man nods "But we can watch something else if you want". "No it's fine. You said it's one of your mom's favorites" Blaine answers. He takes the comforter to wrap him and Kurt in it.

They sit close together. Very close. Kurt can smell Blaines scent, the cookies on the table and the tea Blaine made for them. He feels warm. This is comfortable. Feels like, what is the best word? Home? Yeah. Feels like home. That's the word. Sitting with Blaine here like that feels good. At some point Kurt subconciously rests his head on Blaines shoulder. Once he realizes what he just did he wants to pull back but Blaine doesn't seem to mind. Instead he rests his head against Kurts and the latter smiles a little. Home.


Only after Kevin alone at home the two switch to Friends and keep watching where they stopped. Kurt sits up a little and turns to face Blaine. "Thanks for coming. I know I said I wanted to be alone but I'm glad you came" he says. The other man takes Kurts hand in his and answers honestly "For a second I thought I came at the wrong date and you're at practice or so or that I come and you would be totally mad because you want to be alone".

"No. I'm really really glad you're here" Kurt repeats and tangles their fingers. They fit perfectly together. "I'm glad too" Blaine answers. He slowly leans forward, closer to Kurt until their lips touch. Until they kiss. A gentle kiss. While one hand still holds Blaines Kurts other hand finds it's way to Blaines cheek and rests there. They only part when they need air again.

"I'm glad you're here" Kurt repeats again and Blaine laughs quietly "I think you mentioned that already". He wraps his arms around Kurt and asks "Are you going out again tomorrow?". "Geez you sound like my dad" Kurt laughs but Blaine is just worried like Burt "Yes I do. I have rehersals in the morning and tomorrow evening still stands". "Good" the curly haired man nods satisfied.

"Would you be mad if I leave now? I still have something to prepare for class tomorrow and I need to get a few things from the store before it closes" Blaine asks and the other man shakes his head "It's okay. We talk tomorrow okay?". "Of course. Tomorrow we talk about everything" Blaine answers. He stands up and Kurt with him.

"I bring you to the door" the younger says and goes with Blaine to the door, waiting for him to put on shoes and jacket. Once he did he opens the door "Call me if you need anything and I'll see you tomorrow evening". Before the curly haired man can leave Kurt hugs him tightly "Thanks for coming". "For you always" Blaine answers. He peeks Kurt on the lips because it feels natural and then turns around to leave.

Kurt looks after him and only closes the door again when Blaine is around the corner and out of sight. This horrible day took a surprisingly good turn. His dads words from this noon come back to Kurts mind and he starts smiling. Tomorrow he will talk to Blaine and if the feeling is really and a hundred percent mutual then he'll ask Blaine to be his boyfriend.

Since he has practice in the morning Kurt goes to bed early but his thoughts circle around Blaine, the cuddling, the hand holding, the comfort, the kiss. Blaine. Blaine. Blaine. Then he finally falls asleep. His mom would he happy for him. Proud.

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