A Nice Evening

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Between school and the party Blaine calls Kurt to help him decide what to wear and Kurt asks what Blaine wants to eat for dinner. He had practice with the whole cast in the mornign and went grocery shopping after Blaine called only to have another scheduled rehersal with the part of the cast that have bigger roles like him. That's why he can't go to the party with Blaine. Luckily they only have tomorrow practice before they take a break over christmas.


After the second and more exhausting practice of the day Kurt prepares something for dinner already and graps some fresh clothes. He hops under the shower and changes before continuing with the dinner preparations. Right on time the door bell rings and Kurt rushes to open it. He can't believe how exited he gets when he knows it's Blaine in front of the door.

The chestnut haired man opens the door and hugs his boyfriend "Hi". "Hey" Blaine answers and laughs before also wrapping his arms around Kurts waist and holding him. Once they break the hug Blaine comes in. He takes off his shoes and jacket and puts the bag down where he put his stuff for the night in. He's still dressed in what he wore for the teachers party and Kurt has to admit that Blaine looks more handsome than ever in what they picked out together over the phone.

As soon as the jacket hangs where it should Blaine takes Kurts hand and pulls him close to greet him properly with a kiss. Long and eager but also soft and careful. "Hey" he repeats breathy and Kurt answers quietly "Hi".

Togheter they finish cooking the chili con carne Kurt started to prepare after his mom's recipe. It tastes and smells awesome and as if Blaine didn't got anything to eat at that christmas party he eats three protions. Or was it four. It doesn't matter. "This was like the best food I ever ate. Wow" he says and rubs his stomach. He ate too much but it was so good that he doesn't care about the incoming stomach ache. "Thanks" Kurt giggles and clears the table "You#re in charge of picking a movie tonight or we can continue watching Friends".

"Friends sounds fine" Blaine smiles. The younger nods and asks "Coffee?" but Blaine is so full that he mumbles "No thanks". He stands up and goes to the living room where he sits down on the couch with a satisfied sigh. Before Kurt joins him he already opens Netflix to put on Friends so that they can immediatly start when Kurt comes to him.

"Smells strong" Blaine comments when Kurt sits down next to him with his coffee. "Well I want us to have a nice evening but rehersals today were really exhausting" Kurt explains and both men laugh. They cuddle under the comforter together and tangle their lips. While Kurt keeps sipping his coffee Blaine leans against him and lets him play with his hair. Normally his curls either annoy him or no one is allowed to touch them. Same goes for Kurts hair but they don't seem to have a problem when the other plays with their hair. It's beautiful. Relaxing. Comforting.


A while later Blaine decides to get up and go to the bathroom, bringing snacks from the kitchen on his way back. He also forbit Kurt another coffee without looking at him because he couldn't resist the pout. When he's back they cuddle closer together again and this time Kurt leans against Blaine. Their legs tangle again, their fingers too and Kurts head finds it's place on Blaines chest.

Not even two more episodes later Kurt falls asleep. Blaine let's him sleep a little longer and finishes the episode before he turns off the tv and looks down to his sleeping boyfriend. He looks cute when he sleeps. While they watched tv Blaine played with Kurts hair so they stand up a little but they're only going to sleep anyway so it doesn't really matter. He kisses Kurts forehead softly and wakes him "Kurt". He hates to wake him but they cuddle in a way where Blaine can't stand up and carry Kurt or something and as comfortable as it is to haev Kurt cuddlign with him he needs to pee again.

"Hm?" the sleeping man mumbles. "Wake up. Just for a moment" Blaine says and kisses him again "Let's go to bed. It's more comfortable there". He helps Kurt up and says "Change and go to bed. I'll be with you in a minute". "Okay" Kurt mumbles. He's only half awake so Blaine supports him to walk. He's afraid Kurt will fall asleep standing if he don't. While Kurt changes Blaine takes his pyjama from his bag as well as his cosmetic bag and quickly rushes to the bathroom. Kurt meanwhile lays down and falls back asleep in less than a minute.

Blaine goes to the bathroom and gets ready for bed. After that he goes to the living room and cleans the table a bit, putting everything in the kitchen in the sink or back in the cubboard. When he comes back to the bedroom he smiles at the sleeping Kurt. He lays down next to him and puls him close only to hear him whisper "G'night". "Goodnight" Blaine answers, kisses his boyfriends shoulder from behind and quickly falls asleep too.

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