Part 2 - Berk

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Y/n flew around the back of the island, landing in the forest. She didn't really feel like drawing attention to herself and she didn't know if the people on Berk had actually changed, of course she knew Alcia wouldn't lie but what if Berk had actually been working with Drago the whole time? Better safe than sorry. Coming to the edge of the forest Y/n told Crystal to stay back but keep an eye on her just incase. Y/n was an amazing fighter and could hold her own in battle but it was always encouraging to know Crystal would help if she was needed.

She walked into the village and just prayed to the gods that no dragons would come up to her as it would be a dead give away. One thing about her being the next in line to being the guardian was that dragons automatically respected and defended her, even if their owners told them to attack, kill and so on and would normally bow in her presence, with her curtsying back as a form of respect to each other. This obviously was a good thing and had helped her prove she wasn't a threat in the past but it would possibly give away that she was the guardian and she didn't know if Berk was to be trusted yet. As she walked through the village she saw dragons bowing out of the corner of her eye and noticed some Vikings being weirded out 'oh gods not yet' she thought to herself. So far Berk looked at peace with dragons but she just thought it was better safe than sorry. That was basically her life moto. Out of nowhere a chubby blonde haired boy came over with a gronkle " I know you're the guardian," he said with an eager grin " Erm what are you talking about?" Y/n replied with a nervous chuckle "Come on I saw the dragons bowing and I know my facts. You are the guardian," he said confidently "You're actually wrong. I'm next in line," the girl replied again with a smug look before realising what she had just confessed "Ha! I knew I could get you to talk... come on you need to meet Hiccup!" The boy said with the cheesiest smile ever. Y/n knew she trusted this boy just by watching the way he interacted with his dragon and how excited he was getting whilst he asked questions about The Hidden World as they walked.

After climbing up what felt like 1000 stairs they made it to what Y/n assumed was their great hall and at the back sitting at a long stable was a boy with scruffy brown hair and the most amazing green eyes. Lying on the floor beside the boys feet - well foot - was the most magnificent night fury Y/n had ever seen, The blonde haired boy spoke, bringing Y/n out her daydream " Hey Hiccup, I've got someone for you to meet," Hiccups head shot up, looking away from the mountain of papers on the table, "Oh hi Fishlegs and... sorry who are you?" he spoke softly "I'm Y/n, or as you may know me, next in line to be guardian of the hidden world" Y/n spoke, deciding to just go for it, if this Hiccup wasn't one to be trusted there was no way a night fury of all dragons would be laying next to him. Hiccup looked shocked and his mouth hung open, "close your mouth or you'll catch flies," Y/n said with a giggle before realising how rude she had sounded "oh - I - erm.. sorry I didn't mean that" she said looking down and fiddling with her sleeves. " Oh its fine, I like people with a sense of humour. Have a seat," Hiccup said gesturing to the seat across from him. Y/n turned around only to notice the blonde boy Fishlegs was gone, she didn't really pay much attention to that and went to have a seat, as she was walking the night fury shot up from its slumber and stared at the stranger with its eyes just thin slits, it got up and walked over to her letting out a low growl to the stranger. No dragon had ever done this to her before but Y/n wasn't scared and just put out her palm and looked away, before she knew it the dragons nose was touching her palm and when she took her hand away and turned round the dragon was bowing to her, Y/n returned the gesture and began to then proceed to sit down at the table. Hiccup just watched in awe., Y/n spoke as the dragon rested his head in her lap, breaking him out of his trans " You know, your dragon must really love you, I've never had a dragon be even slightly protective around anything in my presence, not even a screaming death," she said with a light giggle as she continued to scratch under the dragons chin, "oh and what's his name by the way?" she finished. "His names Toothless and I'm honestly surprised he even let you touch him without me stepping up and telling him its alright, sometimes he's too protective," Hiccup chuckled earning a playful growl from Toothless who had made his way over to Hiccup's side "Sorry for offending you I know you're just looking out for me," he said playfully to his dragon as he scratched behind his ear. After that they just sat in content silence for a while before Liv spoke up again, "Hiccup I want to show you something but no one can know, follow me," she said, not giving Hiccup the chance to ask any questions. She trusted the unusual boy, more than anyone else she had met on her travels for some reason.

When they got outside the great hall Y/n went round the back and made a whistling noise, letting Crystal know it was time for her to come out. Hiccup stood and watched as the light fury flew down beside her person letting out a growl towards Toothless and Hiccup, well mostly Hiccup. "Its okay girl, he's a friend," Y/n said to her dragon as she stroked her side, Crystal stopped growling but still held her tail around Y/n protectively, "This ones a bit too protective too," Y/n chuckled earning a judging look from Crystal in return. She noticed Hiccup didn't look scared in the presence of a very annoyed looking Crystal, he just stared in awe "you're going to catch flies again" Y/n said, bringing Hiccup back to the moment. "Oh sorry I've just never saw another dragon even remotely similar to Toothless, she's beautiful, erm may I" he said nervously, gesturing towards Crystal who had calmed down a lot, noticing her person wasn't weary of the boy in front of them. "That's up to her 'Dragon Master' see what you can do," Y/n grinned. Hiccup slowly walked over to Crystal as Y/n stood out of the way. Crystal still seemed slightly tense but eased up knowing her person wasn't worried about Hiccup. As Hiccup got closer Crystal just stood staring back and forth between the boy and Y/n. "Its okay, I wont hurt you" Hiccup said softly noticing Crystal becoming anxious. He stopped a few feet away from her, stretching out his palm and turning his head away, he stood like that for a while, becoming slightly embarrassed as he heard Toothless let out a gurgle that resembled a laugh behind him. Crystal shot Toothless a look then looked over to Y/n for some reassurance, once Y/n had nodded Crystal placed her nose into Hiccups palm as Hiccup felt all the tenseness from before wash away. " really thought you were going to embarrass yourself there 'dragon master'" the brunette girl teased, "Yeah so did I" Hiccup chuckled as he petted the light fury in front of him. And so begun the friendship of the 'dragon master' and the guardians daughter.



Just thought I would write another chapter to see what this book was going to become but Im not sure if I should continue writing it so please let me know if I should.

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